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Satan x Reader (N/SFW)

It's a lovely sunny day. On the outskirts of the Devildom, by the coastline area, you and Satan stroll down the cobblestones path hand in hand, the sun on your skin and a warm breeze whipping through your hair, amidst other couples also enjoying the nice weather. You've just had tea at a nearby cat cafe, where Satan thoroughly enjoyed his time with the furry animals and almost forgot you were there entirely. After filling yourselves to the brim with sweets, you were on your way to your part of the date: Bargador's Books.

"Ah, Bargador's Books." Satan nods his approval, a sparkle in his eye as he eyes the rows of books through the front glass. You chose this place not just because it's someplace you frequent all the time, but because you knew Satan would love it, too. "What kind of books do you enjoy?" Satan asks as you duck into the bookstore, glad to have a brief respite from the mild heat outside. Like a true gentleman, he holds the door for your as you step inside, a gentle hand on the small of your back. You two hang out to read anything and everything available in the Royal Library and the library in the House of Lamentation all the time, but it's mostly Satan reading to you as you lie in his lap and listen. A smile pull at your lips as you immediately beeline for the romance section. You grab the first racy cover that you find and wiggle it in his vision. "What do you think?"

His blond brows arch as he stares at the book in your hands, cheeks flushing a gentle pink. "Erotica?" He gently pushes the book down with a finger, looking at you with intrigue, smiling teasingly. "Never took you as the type, kitten." You pop out your hip sassily, channeling your inner Asmo. "They're not erotic. I mean—the sex scenes are great but theres an actual plotline too. Sex is the perk, not the point."

Satan grins, nodding his concession. "I'll have to take your word for it."

"Or maybe you just have to read one yourself sometime." You challenge, knowing full well the books Satan tends to stick to are generally in the diplomatic, historical genre. "In fact, I dare you to read a passage from a novel of my choice tonight." 

Satan's brows raise again, more of a challenge in return, instead of surprise or shock. "Oh?" He purrs, leaning closer till your back hits the edge of the shelf behind you, his arms caging you in. 

"I accept." 

You smirk at him, despite your pounding heat due to his proximity. 

"But only if you sit in my lap while I read it." 

Furrowing your brows, your push gently against his chest, to no avail. "Pssh. Isn't that what I usually do? Challenge accepted!" You declare. Satan's eyes glint as he pulls back, grasping your hand gently as you stroll through the aisles, scanning the array of books available. "I wasnt finished, sweetheart. I dare you to sit in my lap and not kiss me."

Your heart leaps into your throat and you pause briefly, swallowing with difficulty. "A—all right," you begin hesitantly, your mind already being bombarded with Satan's luscious mouth. "And if I fail?" Satan leans in so close that your noses almost touch, his breath tickling your lips. "We'll discuss the terms of your failure, if the need arises."

Instead of bridging the gap between your lips like you were so tempted to, you reach being him and pulled a random book off of the shelf, sliding it between your faces to hide the spots of colour blooming on your cheeks. "This on. I want you to read it to me."

Satan plucks the book from your grasp and tucks it underneath his arm, not even glancing at the cover. "All right, then. Let's get it. Anything else you'd like to get while we're here?" You sigh as he nestles your hand into the crook of his arm. "You really know the way to a woman's heart, don't you?" Satan chuckles, staring straight ahead. "So I do. Books. Just run my finger down their spines, spread open their...pages...and bury my face in them till dawn." 

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