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Leviathan x Reader


You jerk violently, your pen skidding across the paper and ruining the work you were writing. This is the third sheet you've messed up on, and the essay has to be absolutely perfect. The teacher specifically told you no corrective material like tape or fluid was to be used at all. You cast an irritated look in Levi's direction. Engrossed in the brand new version of his favourite RPG videogame, (g/n), he's unknowingly allowed his volume to increase. He's yelling commands into his mic to his gaming pals on the other end. The only reason you're in his room studying is due to the fact that Henry tore through your room wall the other day and Lucifer made Levi host you in his room for awhile while the wall was getting rebuilt. Studying proved to be a challenge in the library, with Mammon pestering you for a loan and Satan and Lucifer at each other's throats, so your next best option was to come to Levi's room, where you thought you might have at least gotten some peace and quiet to revise for the upcoming exams.

"AAAH! USE THE GUN! THE GUN!" He shrieks, violently jamming the ctrl button on his keyboard.

Huffing indignantly, you crumple up a sheet of paper, torn from your notebook, and aim it at his head. The ball hits its target. Levi turns to look at you questioningly. You raise a finger to your lips, telling him to be quiet for the umpteenth time. Levi grins apologetically and salutes you, lowering his voice to whisper into the mic. "Guys, keep it down. (Y/n) is studying." You hear the muffled reply of a male voice on the other end as Levi pops his headphones back on. So Levi's gaming friends know about you? You can't help but feel slightly flattered. "What do you mean, you'd never thought you'd see the day a girl would be in my room?" Levi says, sounding offended. You shake your head, lip quirking in amusement as you pretend to focus on your essay. "Y--yeah, she's pretty! Who wouldn't think that?" He mumbles, voice low and shy. At his words, your heart swells, then drops like a stone to the pit of your stomach as he mumbles, almost like an afterthought. "But the anime girls from (g/n) are bustier, of course. Especially (c/n)!"

Levi doesn't mean any offense with his comment, it's something that comes so naturally to him, it simply slips his tongue without a second thought. You don't blame him for it. Fighting the dejected feeling rising in your chest, you refocus on your essay.

"I--it's not like that," Levi hisses, continuing to tap feverently at his keyboard. "We're just friends."

He glances at you with a secretive smile as if to confirm his words.

"Best friends."

Your gazes meet, mutual feelings passing between you two like electricity. Somehow, despite your happiness at being recognised as Levi's best friend, the highest relationship status, in his opinion, there is also an underlying tinge of disappointment. There is also a romantic spark between you two that you have yet to acknowledge. In your opinion, 'best friends' doesn't quite cut it. For you, it's more like 'best friends with benefits'. Levi must be forgetting all the little escapades you've had in his room, and in the empty classrooms of RAD. Shaking your head, mostly to yourself, you continue your activities in a relatively peaceful environment, with the occasional whoop from Levi cut short by your warning stares. The essay is taking longer than you expected, and at this moment, you are not finished after the better part of three hours. Hence, as your patience for both the work and Levi's disruptions runs thin, the final straw for you is when he forgets himself in a moment of victory.

"Holy freaking shit. YES! WE DID IT!"

He slams his hands on his desk, gaming chair scraping noisily. Your tolerance for his noise snaps. You rise abruptly, your pens and sheets of paper flying off of his bed, going to stand at his side. Levi pauses, eyes wide as he quickly removes his headphones. "O--oh, my bad, (y/n)!"

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