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Mammon x Reader (NSFW)

"Mamooooon. I'm tired."

"Already?" Mammon glances at you, furiously scribbling away at a homework assignment due the next day. You rub your eyes. "Yeah..."

"Doncha sleep way later than this?"

"Only when Levi makes me anime marathon with him. You should join us sometime," you mumble, stretching.

"Ha? No thanks. Ya finished your work already, right?" You nod slowly, stifling a yawn. In truth, you'd completed everything long before the deadline, but stayed up to help Mammon. For the past three hours, you've been fighting back the yearning to lay down and close your eyes, but now that it's a good time past midnight, you're unsure if you can persevere any longer, "Okay, ya should probably get to sleep then. Thanks for helpin' me..." Mammon mutters, slightly disappointed that you're leaving so soon. You gaze at him sleepily, getting to your feet. "We all know you need it, Mammon."

Turning away, he glowers at the wall, not wanting to see you leave. "Ugh, I didn't mean it, anyway! Close the door behind ya."

To Mammon's shock of heading in the direction of the door, you totter over to his bed and flop down on the pillows. His expensive silk sheets feel heavenly under your fingertips, his scent engulfing you, warm and comforting. "O—oi! Whaddya think you're doin', lying on the Great Mammon's bed? G—get off!" Mammon waves his hands in your face frantically, not daring to touch you. Your eyes are half closed, cheek pressed into his pillow as you smile at him, making no move to do as he says. "Sleeping. You don't mind, do you?"

He drops his hands, staring at you funnily, subtle spots of colour blooming on his cheeks. At his silence, you shift, pushing yourself up onto your elbows with effort. "Okay, okay. I'll go—" Mammon lays a hand on your back and pushes you down firmly onto his sheets. "Are you stupid? Just—stay there. I can't have ya walkin' back to your room and fallin' asleep in the hallway, can I?" You crack an eye to stare at Mammon. He's covering his mouth with his forearm, blue eyes flicking between you and the wall nervously, the flush on his tan skin more prominent. "Then, carry me back to my room?"

"Ha? No way, you're stayin' here tonight."

You roll over to face him, grasping the collar of his sweater and bringing his face closer, the expensive ribbed fleece soft under your fingers. "Okay, but only if you sleep with me."

"W—wha? 'Scuse me?"

"If not, then at least a goodnight kiss?" You widen your gaze beseechingly, hearing Mammon's breathing quicken. You tug at his sweater more urgently, sticking out your bottom lip. "Please, Mammooon." You wheedle. He bites his lip, running a hand through his hair, eyes flicking over your form, clad in just a tank top and thin sleep pants. "F—fine. But it's not like I really want to do this, ya hear?" The light flicks off, bathing the room in darkness. The mattress dips with his weight as he climbs onto the bed, laying down behind you. He slaps a hand over your face, fingers gently brushing over your eyelids. You don't open them again, knowing full well he's blushing like crazy behind you. His hand slides down your cheek, brushing strands of hair off of your forehead, his free arm tentatively slipping around your waist. You snuggle back into him, feeling his breath on your neck. "Nightly night, Mammon."

"Y—yeah, babycakes." He grunts as you shift against him. His steady heartbeat against your back, and his large, warm palm pressed to your sternum makes you relax, but at the same time sends tingles all over your body, keeping you wide awake.

"Aren't you sleepy? Quit movin' around so much, would ya?"

"What do you mean?" You ask innocently, pulling away. Mammon practically keens at the loss of your touch.

"I—said, stop wriggling around. You're touchin' my—" Mammon hisses out as you move again. He grips your hips and pulls your ass flush to his pelvis, where you stiffen in his arms at the feel of his hot, hard length pressed against the small of your back. "See whatcha doin to me, the Great Mammon? Beat it." At your silence, Mammon, with his heart of gold isn't sure if he was too harsh. He rubs your chest comfortingly. "O—okay babycakes, I'm sorry—"

In response, you grind down hard on him, cutting off his apology with a wheeze, His hand tightens on your hip."Hngh—God, (y/n). You're really tryna test me, aren't ya?" Mammon whispers harshly. "Last chance, babycakes," he grits his teeth as you wriggle more. "If ya continue, I won't guarantee I'll be able to stop myself." You turn your head and kiss him, teasing his bottom lip. "Okay then. Don't stop." With that, you grind down harder onto his cock, hooking your legs around his. Mammon groans, fisting his hands in your hair as he brings his hips up to meet yours. You can feel how hot his skin is, despite the layers of fabric separating you. You'd actually prefer there be no barriers between you two at all, but don't think you have the energy to do more than get Mammon off for indulging your whims. Mammon's arms become vice like around you, holding you tight against him as he grips your chin, tongue delving into your mouth with urgency. The pace of his thrusts becomes sloppier, hot, heavy breaths washing over your neck becoming more erratic as he buries his face in your neck with a final grunt. You lay there, with him panting against your neck like a dog in heat.

"You're...gonna pay for that." He breathes. "For making me cum in my pants like that."

"Tomorrow," you mumble, stroking his hair, heavy lids falling shut. "I'm going to sleep." They quickly fly open as you feel yourself being rolled onto your back. Mammon kneels over you, a knee wedged in between your thighs, stain spreading out around the crotch of his pants, blue eyes glinting sapphire in the dimness. He cups your cheek, the metal of the rings adorning his fingers cold on your skin.

"What's the rush, huh? Don't think you're gonna get any sleep tonight with what ya just did," he growls. "My bad little human."

You gulp, starting to regret teasing him.

You gulp, starting to regret teasing him

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