ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ: ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴛ ʀᴜʟᴇ

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Satan x Reader (NSFW)

As soon as you hear the RAD school bell chime, the sound echoing in the hallways, you shootouts from your chair, hurriedly shoving your books into your bag and racing out o the classroom as fast as your legs cca carry you, well before the corridors are flooded with hordes of other students streaming out from their classes.

You race to the Royal Library, not-so quietly making your entrance though the heavy ornate doors, the librarian giving you a dirty look. She's an older demon who's been working in the library ever since it was founded. Since you're a regular, she knows you. While she's a lovely old lady, she's extremely strict with her number one library rule: silence is golden. Three strikes and you're out of her library. You duck your head apologetically, brushing strands of hair sticking to your nape away with trembling hands. You try to push down the eagerness as you force yourself to walk further into the library at a normal pace instead of running like you want to, past shelves filled with countless books, from ancient leather bound tomes to ones from the Human World. Your heart is pounding with excitement as you approach the little alcove tucked away just under the grand staircase leading to the second floor. Already, you can see the shoes of your favourite-book loving demon peeping out from under there. Quietly, you appproach.

Satan's so engrossed in the book he's reading, he doesn't notice your presence, not until you duck into the spandrel and are wriggling under his arm with the most joyful smile on your face that makes his heart warm instantly. 

"Hi, Satan."

He lifts up his arm to let you crawl into his lap, snapping his book shut as you lay your head over his thighs, beaming up at him. "Hello, Kitten." Satan drops a sweet kiss to the crown of your head, stroking your hair as he asks how your day was. You tell him how it went, and he puts down his book to listen, chuckling when he hears about your antics of the day, occasionally interjecting with a comment or two.

To conclude your tale of today's events, you reach into your pocket to retrieve your D.D.D, turning it on and tapping your password in on the Lock Screen with a devious grin creeping across your face. "Want to see something funny?" Satan watches you curiously, cocking his head and staring down at you in anticipation. You show him your phone screen, cackling. It's a photo of Lucifer that you snapped in class. He was careless enough to let down his guard in front of you, and hence fell asleep on the table during break. Immediately, Satan loses it too, jerking back violently nod bursting into howls of laughter, completely forgetting the two of you are in a library. He claps his hands. "Oh, that's hilarious, Kitten. Send me that photo, would you—"

You're interrupted by the librarian lady sticking her head into your little nook, whacking you both over the heads with a rolled up Human World magazine, which actually hurts quite a bit.

"Second strike," she hisses, barbed tail flicking dangerously. 

Before either of you can apologise, she disappears as quickly as she came. "Second strike?" Satan asks, arching a blond brow. You smile sheepishly. "Yeah. First strike was me at the door." Satan's lips curl as he tips your chin up with a finger. "Hmm? Were you that eager to see me?" Blushing, you shake your head furiously, even though that's a half truth. You can't stop your lips from curling as you flash him your D.D.D once again. "I was too excited to show you this, that's why." You and Satan stare at each other for a moment, then continue to giggle quietly together like little children. 

When you've both calmed down, Satan sighs, wiping tears from his eyes as he proudly admires the unglam of Lucifer you sent him, now set as the lock screen for his D.D.D. He absolutely promised he wouldn't allow Lucifer to punish you for it; Satan simply found it so funny he couldn't help himself. 

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