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Barbatos x Reader (NSFW)

The banquet is in full swing. Musicians playing away merrily on a dais by the entrance, tables piled with food, and demons dressed their best everywhere, filling RAD's school hall with noisy chatter. Diavolo, dressed in another one of his finely tailored suits, hands you a glass of sparkling red liquid, a bright smile on his face.

"(Y/n), I hope you're enjoying the party?"

"Yes, thank you very much." You return his smile. In lieu of the passing midterm examinations, the Lord of the Devildom is throwing a party to celebrate. Most of the people here are students, along with several professors and important figures on the school board and student council, including Diavolo himself. The two of you make small talk as you sip the drink he gave you. Amongst the throng of demons, you spot Barbatos, scurrying back and forth. He is acting as a server due to the Devildom slightly understaffed this day, and with the masses present, he is occupied. Barbatos has been working hard to help with the party preparations for the past few days. Your eyes follow him across the room. Despite how exhausted he must be, he is still diligently carrying on. Diavolo notices you tracking Barbatos's movements.

"Barbatos is such a hard worker," he chuckles, taking your empty glass for you and setting it on the tray of a passing server. "I really should give him more days off, no?"

You fiddle with the skirt of your uniform. Your heart skips a beat as Barbatos catches you staring while serving one of the guests. As he takes their empty wineglasses on his platter, he smiles at you, a soft curve of the lips so quick you might have missed it if you blinked. "Yeah..." You mumble in agreement with Diavolo.

You watch as Barbatos gets a brief moment to catch his breath. He goes to stand at attention against the wall, near the curtained entrance to the hall that leads to the kitchens. When he thinks no one is looking, he stifles a yawn with his gloved hand, looking profoundly tired. Sympathy sparks in your chest. Barbatos is always so hardworking, catering to everyone's needs. Who caters to his needs, then? You have the sudden urge to go to him. Diavolo seems to know exactly what's on your mind. He places a hand on your shoulder, lowering his voice to a rumble as he leans in close.

"Go. Help him out."

You glance back at him, and he winks with another winning smile that makes your heart flutter. "But you're mine later. Don't worry, I'll tell Luce you'll be home late."

Eagerly, you depart from his side, hurrying to snag Barbatos before he's called away again. Barbatos startles slightly, as if snapping out of a daze as you sidle up next to him and softly utter his name. His all-knowing, green gaze flicks over your form appreciatively, before his 'butler-mode' persona is back in place. He holds the platter at his side, ducking his head in acknowledgment.

"Mistress, how may I help you?"

Your lip twitches at his form of address. He calls you that out of habit, years of service instilled in him making him do so unconsciously. However, you must admit that you don't dislike it. Barbatos corrects himself, a tad slower than usual to catch his mistake.. "My apologies, I meant (y/n). "You brush it off, now all the more eager. He must be really exhausted. Up close, you can see the shadows. Under his eyes. "You know you don't need to be like that with me, right? Are you doing okay?" His smile changes, now a little more than just cordial. "Does the young master need anything, by chance?" Your smile grows bigger as you beckon him close. Indulging you, he bends down as you ghost your lips over the shell of his ear.

"No, Barbatos. It's about if you need anything." You slide your hand around his forearm. He doesn't pull away, eyes widening as he picks up on your intention. Without warning, you pull him through the curtains. You both stumble into the hallway, leaving his platter spinning on the floor nearby. His back hits the wall and his arms come around to brace you. Since all the servers are out doing their jobs and the kitchen operations are done, there is no one about. It's dim, with only the glow of light from the party outside illuminating Barbatos's surprised face above you.

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