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Drugged!Solomon x Reader x Simeon

It's around midnight when you get Solomon's call. You're just about to go to sleep, having flicked off the lights and settled under the covers, when your D.D.D starts to vibrate insistently on your nightstand, lighting up with Solomon's profile picture. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you fumble to pick up the call in the darkness.


There is silence on the other end, which hangs for several seconds before you can hear faint heavy breathing. You try again, confusion and concern rising in your chest. "Solomon?" You ask. Is that him? If it is, he sounds like he's in pain. The laboured breaths only intensify, before you hear a muffled groan of anguish. "Help..." It's deep and makes gooseflesh break out across your skin, resonating in your bones. Then, the call ends abruptly. Worry rises in your chest as you quickly try dialing Solomon's number again, but to no avail. It goes straight to voicemail. When you try to text him, the messages don't go through, either. His D.D.D has been turned off. As a last and final attempt, you call up Simeon in the hope he knows what's going on. After several rings, he picks up, much to your relief.

"Yes, dear?" You can barely hear him over the background noise. Your heart falls as you realise he might not be home. "S—Simeon..." Exhaling slowly, you ask him if he's home, and if able to reach Solomon. Concern creeps into his voice as he hears the growing panic in your own. "Why do you ask, dear? I'm at RAD with Luke right now. Is something the matter?" Trying your best to tamp down your growing worry, you tell him about the strange call, and what you heard. Simeon's quiet on the other end for awhile, before instructing you in a soothing voice over the phone. "Don't fret, dear," he says, voice softening to a soft croon. Fret not? You're very well about to hang up and rush over to Purgatory hall right then. As if reading your thoughts, Simeon sharply orders you. "Stay where you are. Don't go anywhere. I'll be there soon, okay?" You bite your lip, having no response. There is silence for a few seconds. "Did you hear me, (y/n)? I don't want you to be hurt if it's something serious," Simeon says, begging you with his tone of voice not to do anything rash. A mumbled 'mmhm' is all you can manage before you quickly hang up. Without a second thought, you shove your D.D.D into your pocket and sprint full speed all the way to Purgatory Hall. Panic starts to swell in your chest as you hurry down the familiar corridor in Purgatory hall to Solomon's room, panting. Trying to regulate your uneven breaths, from both your run here and from the anticipation, you hastily approach the third door down the hall. The door to Solomon's bedroom is slightly ajar.

"Ngh...haa...haa..." As you near, the sounds of heavy breathing, the same noises you heard over the phone call reach your ears and only intensify as you draw closer, but are drowned out by the blood thrumming in your ears. Without hesitation, you burst into Solomon's bedroom, expecting the worst.

"Solomon! Are you—"

Your eyes land on him, widening to saucers. Your jaw slackens as you trail off, lost for words. "...okay?" Your voice comes out embarrassingly high pitched. The room looks as if a hurricane went through it. Spellbooks left open scattered over the floor, magic ingredients and colourful substances spilling out of their jars and test tubes. Solomon's bent over his table, pants undone and cock in hand, hair mussed, as if he's been running his hands through it. He's breathing heavily, watery eyes strangely glazed, cheeks flushed as he freezes on the spot, mid-moan, as you do. You lock gazes for several agonizingly long seconds, the most awkward silence crashing down upon you both. You snap out of your daze first, whipping around to face his door, clapping a hand over your burning face, as if that will erase the image of him seared behind your eyelids as your other hand fumbles around wildly for the doorknob. "Oh, god! I'm sorry, Solomon, I didn't mean to—"

Your hurried apology gets cut off as a heavy hand claps down on your shoulder, roughly spinning you around to face him. Before you can process what's happening, Solomon's lips are crashing down upon yours and you're being tossed onto his bed, the mattress bouncing beneath you. Frozen in shock, you stare up at him, your hands on either side of your head as he looms over you, a knee between your legs. "Haa...I...(Y/n)..." he pants, matted strands of his snowy hair falling into his eyes, glossed over with manic desire. "Do you...have...any idea how long I've been waiting for you...?"

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