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Belphie x Reader (NSFW)

You stir, feeling a warm presence at your back. There is someone under your blankets, in your bed, breath washing in soft puffs over the skin of your neck, sending prickles down your spine. Arms wrap around your waist, holding you close, your legs tangled with theirs. "Belphie...?" You shift slightly, and his arms tighten around you. You stiffen. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling your jaw sleepily. "Yeeess..."

"Why are you in my bed?"

"I had a nightmare."

Turning in his arms to cup his face, you whisper. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Belphie gazes at you through hooded magenta eyes. "You look too cute when you're asleep to be woken up."

Heat creeps to your cheeks at his matter-of-fact statement. "Okay, okay. Flatterer." You mutter to yourself, shoving against his chest. "Umm, Belphie. Let me go."

"Nooooo way." He says, holding you tighter. "(Y/n), please stay—" You push him away firmly, making him roll onto his back. Belphie pauses, his entire body tensing up. You watch him, confused. "Belphie...?" Slowly, he reaches under him, and to your horror, pulls out a dildo. Not just any dildo. Yours. Belphie holds up the 8-inch dildo in his hand, raising his eyes to meet yours. His lips twitch ever so slightly as he gazes at you with eyes lidded in amusement. "My, my, (y/n). I never took you as the type." Instantly blushing red as a lobster, you squeal and grab for it. Belphie's quicker, though, despite his constant lethargy, and pins you down onto the mattress with an arm, the other one holding the embarrassingly large sex toy up in the air and out of your reach with a smirk slowly creeping across his face. He inspects it for a moment, bringing the length of silicone that you used last night uncomfortably close to his face. "Low quality," he hums.

"Belphie, I swear, I—" you stutter.

"You what?" He chuckles. "I'd think you'd have enough money to pay for a better one, or is Mammon getting to your purse too often?"

You gulp, unable to find your words, almost crying from humiliation. Seeing you on the verge of tears, Belphie relents slightly. "Okay, okay, (y/n). Don't cry. I'll give this back to you, if you answer my one question." Gasping with relief, you nod frantically, praying for this to be over with as soon as possible. "Y—yes. Okay."

Belphie's eyes gleam, partially covered by his fringe, which makes it all the more terrifying. "I'm curious to know," he purrs. "Who do you think of, or whose name do you scream into the sheets when you use this as you cum?"

Eyes widening, you slap his chest, face burning even hotter. "Belphie!" Realising what he just made you do, you slap a hand over your mouth.

He arches a dark brow, grinning gleefully. "Really? I'm flattered, now." Belphie lets you up, satisfied. The moment his weight is off you, you snatch the dildo, tumbling off of the bed and scrambling into the corner like a spooked animal. Belphie laughs softly, leaning back to watch you sweat as you quickly toss the toy into your nightstand and slam the drawer shut, making the whole thing rattle violently.

Avoiding eye contact with him completely, you run for the door. "Bye, I'm going." Just as you're about to slam it shut, he calls out to you.

"If you like, you could always replace that piece of silicone with the actual thing. My room's open to you anytime." Belphie, cheek pressed into your pillow, winks.

Slapping a hand over your burning face you screech out, racing down the hallway like a crazy person. "Y—you sound like Asmo!"

You're definitely throwing that blasted sex toy out as soon as Belphie gets out of your room.

You're definitely throwing that blasted sex toy out as soon as Belphie gets out of your room

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