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Asmodeus x Satan x Reader x Solomon

Laying in the quiet Dark morning of the Devildom, moonshadows on your blinds, you stir as you feel someone shift behind you. You can tell it's morning because of the subtle blue-grey tint the sky outside has. The pre-dawn has a sort of soft light to it, one you want to bask in for ages. You are vaguely aware of three other beings in bed with you, two on either side of you, and perhaps one at the end of the bed...? You flutter your eyes open, shifting slightly, then biting down hard on the inside of your cheek to stifle your squeak as a stabbing pain shoots up your spine, and the aches and sores on your lower back and thighs make themselves known to you, made worse from sleeping in an awkward position the entire night. Memories from the night before rushing back to you, heat rising to your cheeks as you relive last night's experience.

You and Satan were fooling around in your room.

Asmo and Solomon walked in on you and somehow ended up joining in too.

The four of you were up past midnight...

Solomon is snuggled against your back, while Asmo has his face buried in your neck. Satan's under the blankets, head on your belly, the vibrations from his every snore reverberating in your chest. The four of you are all piled up on the bed, with your limbs crisscrossed till you can hardly tell where one of you begins and the other one ends. You hold yourself still, not warm and cozy in your cocoon of blankets, and you never want to leave.

Solomon nuzzles you softly with his nose, and it takes you a moment to realise that he's actually awake, instead of just cuddling closer in his sleep. "Morning, love," he whispers, dropping a sweet kiss on your shoulder. You smile and turn slightly to face him, careful not to wake either Asmo or Satan and cup his cheek in your hand. "Good morning, Solomon."

He holds your hand to his cheek, eyes fluttering closed, turning his face to press another kiss to your palm, his lips curving against your skin. Then he leans in and kisses you properly this time, lips soft and warm on yours.

As you kiss, you feel Asmo and Satan stir. "Getting started without us, darling?" Asmo teases on your other side, voice thick with sleep but no less mellifluous. His lips find your neck, and you arch into his touch, kissing Solomon deeper as tingles spread across you skin. Despite all the aches on your body from aches from last night, it's still greedy for their touch. There's a rustling under the covers, and a lump you're pretty sure is Satan moves around under the blankets, settling between your legs. You're all still wrapped up inn that bubble of warmth you've created under the sheets, like a little nest, all still half-awake as you kiss and touch each other, languid and unhurried, in contrast to last night's frenzied, feverish passion.

Satan's hands run up your thighs; you can feel the heat of his breath through the fabric of your panties. You buck your hips up in silent invitation, feeling his chuckle more than you hear it. "Ah, what's Satan doing down there, darling? I wonder..." Asmo purrs, peeling down the strap of your nightgown. "Is it this?" He captures your mouth with his once more, silencing your whimper just as Satan tugs aside the crotch of your panties and puts his mouth on you. Your entire body goes taut as a wire as Solomon joins in too, not to be outdone by the other two. The twin sensations on your mouth and pussy make you feel like you're being well and truly devoured, the demon's tongue moving at the same rhythm to draw your poor mortal soul out of you in the form of noises of pleasure.

While Asmodeus continues to ravish your mouth, Solomon breaks away to tug down the strap of the nightgown on your other shoulder, dragging it so low you're entire breast is exposed, leaving him free to seal his mouth over your nipple, expertly flicking the taut bud with his tongue. He sucks harder when you let out a startled, dazed moan, thoroughly enjoying the reactions you're giving him. Your orgasm build inside you like an inflating balloon, swelling more and more in your chest till it explodes, making your stomach clench and stars dance in your vision like how it did last night.

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