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Cat!Satan x Reader (SFW)

You've just ended class, and you're on your way home, passing by the library to meet up with Satan. You're early, and he isn't there yet, so you stand outside waiting for him.


There is a horned cat with inky fur and jewel-toned eyes, sitting on the doorstep of the Royal Library. The cat meows again, suddenly bounding toward you and weaving itself in between your legs, bumping it's head against your leg. "O—oh." You raise your hands in the air, unsure of what to do. Where did it come from? Stray animals, especially Devil cats, aren't common in the Devildom. You stoop the pet the cat hesitantly, wondering where Satan is at. Ten minutes pass. Then twenty. No Satan.

Feeling slightly dejected, you decide to head back to the house of Lamentation. If he couldn't make it to your meetups, which was a rarity in itself, he would've at least called or left a text. Perhaps his D.D.D battery died, you tell yourself, giving Satan the benefit of doubt. "Bye, kitty." You murmur, giving the cat one final head pat. It meows loudly as you stand to leave, but you're too consumed in your own thoughts as you shoulder your bag and briskly walk back home, biting back your disappointment.

Reaching your bedroom, you're just about to close the door, when a sleek black shadow slips through and dives under your bed. You shriek in surprise, stumbling away from the door. Fearing that it's another outbreak of pesky gremlins in the House of Lamentation, you snatch up a random book off of your table, creeping toward your bed. Movement under there makes the bed creak slightly. You can hear it scrabbling around. Heart pounding, you raise the book over your head with trembling hands. The thing hiding under your bed pokes its head out, eerily glowing eyes set in a mass of black. Just as you're about to slam the book down on the head of the demon, it stops you in your tracks with an ear-splitting yowl. You freeze, staring at it. The menacing shadow slides out from under the bed, crossing over the the other side of the room and eyeing you warily. It's the cat from the library. Did it follow you, all the way home? "It's you." You mutter, dropping the book. Sinking to your knees, you attempt to shoo it out. "You can't stay here, kitty." The cat stubbornly refuses, planting itself by your bedpost, staring at you challengingly with shining emerald eyes. Trying again, you pick it up, planning to leave it outside where it might find its way back to its home, or the Royal Library. To your dismay, it wholeheartedly resists, yowling and holding onto the grooves in your hardwood floor with its claws, leaving scratches in the wood. "Shit." You drop the cat to inspect the damage. It lands gracefully on the floor and lingers around you, circling your hunched form. "Lucifer's gonna kill me!" You desperately rub at the scratches, as if they'll disappear that way. At Lucifer's name, the cat becomes seemingly agitated. It meows aloud at you before leaping onto the top of your cupboard.

"Get down from there." You try in vain to get the cat down, from shaking the cupboard to getting a broom in an attempt to reach the cat, all futile due to your inefficiency and lack of height. You can't call any of the other brothers for help, because there's no way they wouldn't tattle to Lucifer, or slip up about it accidentally. You find yourself wistfully thinking that if Satan were around, he wouldn't hesitate to help you.

Sweaty and tired, you give up, tossing the broom away and stalking to the bathroom to take a shower. You glower at the cat one last time. It stares back at you, suddenly leaping onto you. You fumble to catch the animal as it lands in your arms and drops to the ground on silent paws, circling your legs. The cat mewls, pawing at the hem of your skirt. Sighing, you look down. The cat rubs it's head against your bare leg, raven fur silky against your skin, as if asking for forgiveness. somehow, you can't resist its feline wiles. Since its clear the cat will simply get only its way with you, you quietly mutter in defeat, brushing your fingers over the cat's ears.

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