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Solomon x Reader (SFW)

"...and now do you have the answer?"

You mentally calculate the numbers using the formula Solomon provided, then scribble down the answer. You're in the royal library with Solomon, revising for the upcoming midterm examinations. He offered to help you with your (s/n), since it is your weakest subject and something he is really good at. When you tried to refuse, he's insisted, reinstating his claim from when the two of you first met. "We humans have to help each other out, no?"

Solomon checks your answer, nodding at you approvingly, a pleased smile on his face. "Very good, (y/n). And that's it, we're done for the day!" To your surprise, he pats your head. Your shy away slightly, not expecting it, but you would be lying if your said you disliked it. 

"Oh, thank you..." You murmur, turning your face away slightly to hide the colour blooming on your cheeks. He laughs teasingly at your reaction. You close your textbook with a little more force than necessary, your eyes catching onto the time displayed on the screen of your D.D.D that has lit up with multiple text notifications. you realise with horror, it's two hours past the time you told Lucifer you'd be home, and he has bombarded your D.D.D with messages, asking about your whereabouts. You and Solomon were so engrossed in your study session, you had totally lost track of time.

 "Shit," you curse, fumbling to open the chat app and respond to Lucifer's texts, but then quickly change your mind, fingers hovering over the screen. If you open the chat, Lucifer will know you read his message, but what are you going to tell him? No matter your excuse, he'll probably punish you anyway, and based on the way your body groans in protest every time you move after his most recent punishment, you're definitely not up for more. More messages from him are coming in, he can see you're online, but not replying. 

Seeing your distress, Solomon leans over and plucks the D.D.D out of your hands. His finger presses something on the screen, and to your terror, you hear the dialing ringtone. You open your mouth and hurriedly try to grab it back, but he holds an arm out across your chest, winking at you mouthing, 'trust me'. You cease your struggling as you hear Lucifer picking up and his harsh, authoritative voice coming though on the other end.

"(Y/n), where on earth are you? Do you know what time it is?"

As expected, Lucifer sounds royally pissed. You stare at Solomon pleadingly, begging him with your eyes to not cause you any more trouble than you already are in. 

"Oh, Lucifer. Good evening!" Solomon says in a chipper voice.

A long silence follows, before Lucifer speaks.

"Solomon? Good evening to you as well. May I ask why you have (y/n)'s phone, and if she's around, by any chance?"

Solomon hums. "(Y/n)'s right here with me, at the royal library. She's in the bathroom now, though, which is why I borrowed her D.D.D to call you and tell you."

"I hate to interrupt your activities, but (y/n) was due back at the House of Lamentation over two hours ago," Lucifer says, sounding a little more than annoyed . "Oh? I sincerely apologise for keeping her this late," Solomon replies, voice dripping with cordiality. "However, we still have much revision to complete. It'll be at least another two hours before we're done. I must request to have her stay with m longer, and I swear to return her home by midnight."

Your eyes snap to Solomon incredulously at his outright lie, your hands curling around his forearms. He spares you a glance, grinning wickedly as he only holds you more firmly away from the D.D.D pressed between his ear and shoulder, your resistance futile. More silence over the call. You hold your breath, awaiting Lucifer's reply. Will he fall for Solomon's fib? You half hope and dread it. If Lucifer doesn't, you probably won't be able to walk tomorrow. On the other hand, if Lucifer were to believe Solomon and find out he lied, it would be out of the pot and into the fire for you. No more walking for the rest of your life.

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