Prologue/ A Tip about Wilamette

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Nobody Povs.

In Musutafu Japan, there are 80% of the population of people with quirks basically born with them. However there are 20% people born quirkless, which Izuku Midoriya one of them.

Izuku Midoriya along with her twin sister, Izumi Midoriya were going to a hospital to do a quirk check up. His sister got a quirk and she was happy. Izuku thought that a quirk will powerful than hers. But he was wrong, he was diagnosed as... quirkless.

His parents were in shock and confused. His sister was upset from his brother being quirkless. Izuku was frozen with sadness about to tear up.

'I don't believe it, my son is quirkless nobody.' Hisashi, Izuku's father thought.

'My brother is quirkless, I hope he doesn't plan on becoming a hero without a quirk.' Izumi thought.

'My little green bean, he's quirkless I'm so sorry.' Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mom thought.

'I- I- I'm quirkless?' Izuku thought with a sad look and he looked down with depression.

At Home

After the check up at the hospital, Izuku along with his sister and parents went home.

When they arrived Izuku went to upstairs because he was still upset about this. His father ignored it like it no big deal. His mother on other cared for both of her children.

It doesn't matter if he has a quirk as he and Izumi are happy but she feels guilty that she let him down. His sister didn't know what to think but to feel bad for his brother.

Inko went upstairs to check on while the dad was celebrating Izumi's quirk she was happy to celebrate but upset about Izuku at the same time.

Izuku was crying his eyes out of not getting a quirk. He told his mom with tears still in his eyes.

"Y- You see mom... any anyone can be become a hero." His voice sounded sad and it made his mom sad too as Izuku was watching all might saving a bunch of people with a smile on his face.

Inko went to hug his son for comfort and as he noticed her crying too.

"M Mom, why are you crying?" He questioned with worry for his mother, she sniffles and spoke up.

"It just means I don't what you upset about this and it makes worry, Izuku." His eyes widened as he was shock. "I was really hoping that you get to just like your sister but as strong as her instead you're quirkless and." She sniffles and continues. "and it's not... not fair for that to happen to you." She cries and had a look of disappointment in herself. "I'm sorry, my little green bean."

Izuku was stunned with shock to see his mother like this, he didn't what to feel, so there was only one option. He wiped the tears from his face and her face too.

Izuku look went sad to confidence and he took a deep breath.

"Listen Mom, I appreciate what you are doing for me but don't worry about me okay, I'm fine." He smiled straight at her and it made her troubles go away a little. "You once said that a mother's job is make their children happy and love them no matter what same goes for the dad so let me return the favor, Okay?" He said with sincere, it made her almost smile.

"I'll admit I was upset that I didn't get a quirk but that's okay, I could try others things to make others happy and save people like become a officer or something." He took a deep breath and smiled. "Whatever I'll become it will always be remembered every day and don't worry mom your little green bean is on the case of making his mother's frown upside down." He got a idea and he started to tickle her.

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