Ch. 5: Pacha Mama, A Medicine Run, and The Hatchet Man

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Entrance Plaza

Narrator's Pov

Frank and Izuku followed Brad to help with the guy who kidnapped Dr. Barnaby. They entered the Entrance Plaza looking around to find Brad or the Terrorist. Suddenly, they get pushed on the ground by Brad.

Izuku: Brad?

They heard a gun shot and hid behind cover.

Brad: Don't be daydreaming out here!

They get shot at again.

Izuku: Where's that comin' from?

Brad: Someone's shooting from the floor above.

Izuku got his gun out as the unknown guy was shooting at them with his sniper rifle. He stopped shooting and whispered

Unknown man: PachaMama

He kissed his necklace and aimed his gun. Frank peek over with his camera to see the Professor hanging above a bunch of zombies.

Frank: Hey, it's the Professor.

Izuku looked and then behind them was a zombie before he could shoot, Brad warned them.

Brad: Look Out!

The sniper almost shot Frank but shot the zombie instead and blood was spilled on them.

Izuku (muttered): Great

Brad: If we don't do something, the professor is gonna end up zombie chow.

Izuku: What's the plan?

Brad peek over and told them.

Brad: I'm going for it, you two concentrate on staying alive got it?

Izuku nodded, Frank gave him the thumbs up and Brad was off.

Moments Later

Izuku, Frank, and Brad went to take down the sniper. The sniper almost had them. Izuku was shooting while he was running away and Brad was ahead of him.

Frank and Izuku followed Brad to catch the guy, he threw away his sniper and got out his handgun. They shoot their guns at each other. The guy was shot in the shoulder and Brad was shot in leg.

Frank and Izuku shoot their guns at the person, Izuku reloaded his gun but the guy got away and the two went to check on injured Brad

Izuku/Frank: Brad!

He puts pressure on the wound while grunting in pain.

Brad: I'll be fine, just take care of the professor, Go!

They nodded and they ran off to save the professor.

After that, they brought him to the top floor and put him down.

Frank: He's unconscious, but alive.

Izuku: Old man's tougher than I thought.

Brad (Pain): Damn!

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