Ch. 12: The End of the Cave & Brock Mason

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The Cave: Final Gate

Izuku's Pov.

After running through thousands of zombies, we were going past gates and reached the end.

Isabela's zombie suppressant was working like a charm but it would run out eventually. We climbed on top of the rock platform and spotted a gate which leads the end of the tunnel.

Isabela: Are you sure this was a good idea?

Izuku: Hey, they don't start perfectly but in the end it works out.

Frank: Guards here, too..

I turned to the Gate that was guards on the other side and I looked up to a lever.

Izuku: That lever could open the gate to lead us out of this place. As for the guards, we can just sneak right past them.

Before we could move forward, Isabela stopped us.

Isabela: Wait! The pheromone is starting to wear off. It's only strong enough to cover one of us.

Jessie sighs: What now?

I pulled out a jar with a queen inside and looked at zombies near the gate.

Izuku: Dad, Jessie. You two wait here, and I'll get the gate open.

Frank: No, You can't-

Izuku: Dad, I got this, just wait on my go, okay?

Jessie sighs and nodded. Dad hugged me and patted my back.

Izuku: You ready, Isabela?

Isabela: For what? I told you the pheromone is-

I grabbed her arms and put her on my back. Isabela was confused and caught by surprise.

Isabela: What are you - What are you doing?

Izuku: Relax, this piggyback won't last. Once we're out, we take that vehicle and go. Are you with us, Isabela?

She looked at the two beside and they nodded. She sighs and nodded.

Isabela: Okay.

Izuku: Alright, Let's go!

I jumped down with Isabela on my back. I went up the stairs and pulled down on the lever. The gate was opened but the zombies still needed to be dealt with. So I put Isabela on my back again.

I was in front of the gate and slammed the queen on the ground killing the zombies.

Izuku: Come on!

I gave Jessie and Dad the signal. They ran passed the zombies. We hijacked a ride and my dad drove us off.

Construction Site

Narrator's Pov.

After Izuku, Frank, Jessie and Isabela stole the Humvee, they managed to make it out of the cave. However, it doesn't stop there.

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