Ch. 2 Survivors/Brad gets Attacked/ Dr. Barnaby

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Izuku Povs.

Security Room

My dad and I were running towards the security room, the mall was infested with zombies, man that sounded crazy when I said out loud.

When we arrived at the security room, we saw the same guy that had the same yellow shirt, he is bald, and black. An old maintenance guy has a beard, also black but he has a little hair in grey color. A blonde woman with glasses, wearing a suit, and she's white.

The maintenance guy closed the door behind us.

"Thanks, whoever you are." I said shaking with the yellow shirt guy hand.

"No problem." We stopped shaking hands.

"So, are the others safe?" I asked, he nodded. "Good, so what now?" He rubbed his neck and nodded at maintenance guy. He sealed the door with a blowtorch.

"Wait, are there others inside the mall?" I asked.

"Could be, but as long those things are in the mall, we better not use this door." He said making a point.

The yellow shirt guy leans against the air duct, we were confused and curious about this.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Dad asked, he looked at us.

"The air ducts, they'll get us back into the mall and apparently those aren't smart enough, so they won't be a factor." the guy with the yellow shirt said.

"Smart." I said, he nodded.

"Thanks kid." He opened the air duct door

"Wait a minute, you wanna get back in there, what for?" Dad asked, He looked through the vents and went inside leaving Dad and me without answers.

"I'm gonna go check on the survivors and see if there are others that are in the mall." I said patting his back, he gave me a thumbs up.

I gave a small smile at the blonde woman and nodded, she did the same. I walked away to check on the others and to see if they're others in the mall.

Frank povs.

Izuku walked away to do his business and sometimes he never changes but I can blame him.

The blonde girl was staring at me, for some reason and asked;

"Nice cameras, are you guys photographers?" She asked leaning against the wall.

"As a matter we are, I'm Frank West, photojournalist, and that's my son you saw, Izuku." I said to her, she nodded.

"Can you show me some pictures, Frank?" She asked.

"Um, sure." I gave her my camera, and she scrolls though my camera looking though the pictures I took. "You seem know you're doing, who are guys anyway?" I asked but she ignored my question and her eyes widened to see the old man I took picture of at the Entrance Plaza.

"I took that near the entrance." She looked with a surprise face. "Did that guy do something?" I asked and was curious. She looked down and went back to her normal expression.

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