Ch 26: Day with the Bunny and Ice Princess

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Warning: A Lemon Scene is in this chapter so if you wanna skip go ahead. Also, sorry it took me so long to write a chapter, I was busy with some stuff.

On the Rooftop

Izuku's Pov.

After I checked out from the hospital, I went back to training with Gran Torino and Mirko with Esdeath. We were taking down thugs along with Mirko, she has been a great teacher.

However, there was something bothering her. She was going through a lot of stress and became more aggressive towards villains.

I discussed Esdeath about it and we discovered what it was.

We were on the roof and took a break. I looked at Mirko and spoke.

Izuku: Mirko, can we ask you something?

Mirko: Sure, what is it?

She took a sip of water.

Esdeath: Are you... On your heating cycle?

She spat it out and choked while blushing.

Mirko: What makes you think that?

Izuku: You looked like you were on a lot of stress and went full rage on your opponents. We puzzled it together.

Mirko: 'sighs' Well, I admit I have been going through a lot right now. I know it's normal for bunnies and I was hoping never to get it. I tried my best to contain it but it's difficult to hold it in.

She's right, keeping things in things is hard but I'm glad she strong to handle them. However, it's only a matter of time before something happens and that gave Esdeath an idea.

Esdeath: I might have an idea.

We looked at her with a confused look.

Izuku: What is it?

Esdeath (grinned): Izuku is gonna help you with your heating cycle.

Both of them were shocked and surprised by what Esdeath said.

Mirko: Are... You sure, E? Because he's your boyfriend.

Esdeath: Don't worry, I don't mind.

Mirko: Okay? What do you say, Izuku?

She looked at me with a questioned look. I sighed and shrugged.

Izuku: Okay but I have one question?

Mirko: What?

Izuku: Is this your first time?

Esdeath: Izuku!

Mirko: Esdeath, it's okay. No, it's not. A friend of mine helped through it and his feathers were surprisingly ticklish.

Izuku (surprise): You and Hawks?

Esdeath: I mean you two are friends so it makes sense.

Mirko: What about you, Greenie?

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