Ch. 14: Training and Entrance Exam

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Izuku's Pov.

I just arrived at home with Dad and Mom was fixing us up food.

Inko smiled: Welcome home, boys!

Izuku: Mom you don't have to cook for us, you have already done enough for us.

Inko: I know but I feel like I should do more after all, that could last thing I do to you.

Frank: Inko, you're under a lot of stress and it makes us upset.

I walked up to mom with a smile.

Izuku: Mom, don't worry about us. Sometimes, you gotta look after yourself.

Inko sighs: You boys are right. I should try to relax because I'm going through a lot and I almost lost you boys once.

Izuku: Hey, Hey. That's over.

Frank: He's right. The Willamette incident is a part of history and we are out of this game.

Inko: Can I ask you two something, something personal?

Izuku/Frank: Sure/ What is it, Inko?

Inko: Do you two still... think about it?

Me and my dad looked at each other knowing she would ask something like that. Although, it was nice to reveal the truth, we still couldn't believe that zombies were real but they were and we couldn't get out of our heads.

Izuku sighs: Well, mom it's not exactly cupcakes and rainbows.

Frank: Yeah, it's more blood and brains.

Izuku: Don't forget the clown.

Frank: We don't talk about the clown!

Inko: Wait, a clown?

Izuku: Oh yeah so..

Frank: There was this clown and he had...

We basically told her about Adam and she didn't wanna believe but she did and right now she started to hate clowns.

Inko: Oh my!

Izuku: Yeah, I know it's kinda messed up to see ourselves in a fight with a clown.

Frank: For that moment on, we decided to not go near clowns. Or clowns in malls.

Izuku: We have a lot of problems, mom but that's a good thing because we try to be a normal perfect family and in reality we are not normal. We struggled a lot in that mall and there was nobody to save because either they went insane or they became zombies.

Frank: He's right. It's not easy saving people including ourselves because we almost lost sight of our sanity.

Inko: I.. I didn't know you two went through that much.

I held Mom's hand and we hugged it out. I was happy to get this out of the way.

Izuku: Oh yeah, mom I'm gonna be training for the entrance exam for U.A.

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