Ch. 18: West vs Bakugo, A Special Match

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Building A

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku and Akame come up with a plan to complete this training match.

Akame: Okay, what do we do?

Izuku: Well, I know Bakugo best and he'll come after me.

Akame: Why?

Izuku: 'sigh' Because he is jealous which is annoying and it drives me crazy. He has no reason to piss at me.

Akame: Why is he pissed at you?

Izuku: I don't know and I don't care. I just wanna finish this and go.

Akame: Well, what do we do?

Izuku (whispered): You go after the bomb and I'll take care of Bakugo. Just don't get caught.

Akame: Don't worry I got this in the bag.

They moved forward and the wall exploded. Izuku grabbed Akame out of the way and he was on top of her in front of her face.

Izuku: You alright?

Akame blushed a little and nodded. They looked at where the wall exploded and out of smoke, Katsuki Bakugo was in front of them.

Izuku (innocently smiled): Hello, Bakugo. How's your day?

Bakugo: Don't try to cheer me up, Deku! I'm here to deal with you.

Izuku gave a blank face and turned to Akame.

Izuku: Told ya

Akame nodded agreeing with him.

Izuku (whispered): Okay, you remember the plan, Akame.

Akame (whispered): Right! On it!

Bakugo: Don't ignore me! You damn nerd!

Bakugo charges at Izuku while Akame runs away to find the bomb. Izuku teleports from behind Bakugo as he is glaring at him.

Izuku: I'm disappointed, Bakugo.

Bakugo turned to attack Izuku with his quirk but he grabbed his shoulder and slammed to the ground. He groaned in pain but he was still kicking.

Izuku: You know, I'm starting to think you didn't come here to capture us. No, you came here to take me down and that's why Iida is a better person than you.

Bakugo: Why Four eyes?

Izuku: His name is Iida and you should focus on the task at hand instead of some lame grudge. You are here to be a better hero not to be the number one hero because of the number one hero can't handle so much.

Bakugo: I came here to show you and these extras about me being number one! And you are in the way, Deku!

Izuku stared at him with a blank face. He used his black whip and brought Bakugo towards him. Knocked him out completely.

Bakugo: Ugh, No... I need-

Izuku: What you need is another beat down from your mother because you're scared of her.

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