Ch. 27: Improvements, More Confessions

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U.A. College

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku was finished with his Internship with Gran Trino and Mirko. He drove back to the college along with Esdeath who was in the car.

He thought about what Gran Trino said.

Flashback a few minutes ago

We were packed and in our school uniform. We were just saying our goodbyes to Mirko and Gran Trino.

Izuku: Thanks, you two for all your help.

Esdeath: It's nice to learn from my old masters, again.

Mirko: I gotta say you put up a great fight, kid.

G.T: You'll be able to move much faster now.

Izuku (smiled): Thanks, Gramps. That means a lot.

G.T: Don't call me that!

Izuku rolled his eyes and the girls giggled. He looked at Mirko with a smile.

Izuku: Whenever you are ready to fight with me, just hook me up, Mirko.

Mirko: Ah, call me Mirko, kid.

Izuku: Thanks, but my name is not kid or Izuku. It's Deku West, the Photojournalist Hero.

Mirko (grin): I didn't know they could be heroes.

Izuku: You haven't met my dad yet, have you?

Mirko: Fair enough.

He nodded and sighed. He looked at Gran Trino with a smile.

Izuku: Anyway, you take care, Gran Trino.

Gran Trino: Same to you, problem child.

Izuku: Hey, don't call me that.

Gran Trino: Then don't make reckless decisions.

Izuku rolled his eyes and the girls giggled.

Izuku: Anyway, can I talk to you about something, Gramps, and Bunny?

Gran Trino: 'sighs' I'll let the gramps slide, what is it?

Izuku: Do you know where Overhaul is?

Gran Trino: No, we haven't but All might's sidekick is on the case.

Mirko: Yeah, but just a little reminder, he's a bit of a pain.

Izuku: How so?

Esdeath: My uncle is committed to his work. Him and my dad are having issues.

Izuku: 'sighs' Say no more, I don't need to know but I need to speak about Overhaul and see what I can find.

Mirko: Why? He might be just some villain like the rest of them.

Gran Trino: Not every villain is the same. They have different opinions on how to control the world.

Izuku: I got a tip about something he's smuggling and I need to find out what it is.

Gran Trino: You're asking the wrong person, kid. Also, you shouldn't be so reckless whenever you like.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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