Ch. 1: Wilamette Colorado, and The Mall

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September 19th

Izuku Povs.

We decided to take a ride in the helicopter considering Dad told me for some reason that the military were blocking the roads to Wilamette. I sat on the right side and my dad sat on the other side.

My dad and I were taking pictures of the area of Wilamette, Colorado. We didn't say anything the whole ride here, and then Ed, the guy who flew the Helicopter spoke up.

"Say, buddy your son mentioned somethin' about research for a story." He mentioned me telling him that.

"That's right, I got a tip that something big's happening." Dad said, he took a picture.

"In a nowhere little town like that, they sure didn't mention anything
about it on TV." Ed said, I sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, my dad is a freelancer, he doesn't make his living or mine for the TV to tell us what to cover, Pal." I said, Ed weirdly chuckled and Dad shook his head and smiled.

I use my camera to see if I could find it and I see the town. "We're here, dad." I said and he took off his shades.

"Here she is." Ed said, laughed and continued. "Wilamette, Colorado, Population 53, 594, Distinguishing charatistics jack!" He laughed once, we rolled our eyes by Ed's personality. "About the only thing to do in this town is to kill time at the shopping mall." That caught my interest.

"Look that's where heading first, could be a lead there." I said, he nodded and then took a picture of the army blocking the road.

"What was that, the army?" Ed asked with a surprise look.

"Looks, you were right about that, Dad."

"Yup, looks taking the helicopter was the way to go I bet they got all roads blocked off by now." He said as he got up and told Ed. "Alright we wanna take shots of the whole before the national guard finishes roping it off, take us over the main street." Ed gave him a thumbs up.

We arrived at the main street, and what we saw blew our minds. The helicopter flies over a guy being attacked by people. He fought back with a bat and got top of the car.

"Woah, what is that some kind of riot?" Ed asked confused, we were confused as he was.

We saw a guy being attacked by people as he was on the top of car. He starts swinging his bat around and he noticed us and waved his arms which is a sign to help, he gets by the leg and falls flat on the car.

"Is what you and your son came to take pictures of?" Ed asked

"Sure is." Dad answered, I nodded and I noticed something from a distance. It was bunch of people hitting a bus.

"Hey, dad check this out, look at those people, just what the hell is going on here?" I asked as I'm confused and Dad shrugged.

"I have no idea but one thing for sure whatever's going on down there, it's not business usual in this town." Dad replied.

Ed flew over places, we saw chaos in Wilamette, Colorado. I was still wondering what is happening here. Suddenly, we saw an explosion from the gas station and our eyes widened letting out a 'Whoa!'

"Holy Shit, did you see that?" Ed asked, I didn't know what say except my dad.

"Yeah!" He said, then I noticed others were still moving while on fire.

"They should be dead by the fire and explosion they are still moving!" I said still in shock.

"I know son, we are going to figure this out." Dad reassured me, I nodded and gave a small smile.

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