Ch. 13: A Choice and The Aftermath

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Outside of the Willamette Mall

Izuku's Pov.

We managed to get out of the mall and away from the zombies. Brock Mason was a complete asshole but I didn't expect him to get eaten. Well, it's what it is, I guess.

We stopped walking to be picked up by DHS agents.

Jessie: Oh no..

I turned to Jessie and she looked scared.

Izuku: What?

Jessie: 'sighs' I told the agents that we would handle Carlito and Isabela but they wanted to take them in for questioning.

Izuku: Take them in?

Two DHS agents walked up to us and looked at Isabela.

DHS agent: Isabela Keyes?

Isabela: Yes?

The agent handcuffs Isabela and I was confused and surprised.

Izuku: Wha- Hey!

DHS agent: Agent Cornell of Homeland Security, you're under arrest. As for Carlito, thank you three for taking care of him.

Frank stopped him and started talking with him.

Frank: Hold the fuck up, asshole! What's homeland security need her for?

Agent Cornell: Ms. Keyes is a wanted terrorist, Mr. West. We've been seeking her and brother for a while now. Now kindly step aside and you guys could come out as heroes. Otherwise...

I stopped listening to the agent and looked at Isabela with an upset look at her face which kind of reminded me of my childhood.

No one would help me and she's probably feeling that way as well.

Agent Cornell: Your choice!

Isabela (sad): Izuku?

I looked at Isabela and clenched my fist. The next thing I knew, I punched the guy holding Isabela.

Frank/Jessie: Izuku!!

I looked with a surprise face and I smiled at her. I knocked the guy in one punch.

Agent Cornell: Hey, Kid! Don't interfere unless you want to be arrested-

Izuku: 'sighs' Oh my gosh. Will you just shut the fuck up!

Agent Cornell confused: What?

Izuku: Don't give that kid crap! I know you guys want from Isabela, you wanna save because of Santa Cabeza! There was no drug trade and we have enough proof to make sure this doesn't happen again!

Agent Cornell: So do we. We have the criminal-

Izuku: No no no no no! You don't have proof because Carlito Keyes never even trusted his sister. Why? Because he shot her for trusting us and she saved us from getting out of that mall!

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