Ch. 4 Survivors, again, A Clown, and The Truth about Izuku

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Wonderland Plaza

Izuku Povs.

Me and Dad went to check out that Space Rider ride. It wasn't stopping, it kept going, and going.

I spoke Otis on the transceiver said there's a clown near by here.

We went to stop the machine but I need an access card to stop it.

I was about to stop the ride without the card but all of the sudden I heard a crazy laugh.

Me and Dad turned to see a clown juggling chainsaws while laughing, damn Otis was right. Our eyes widened by this crazy person.

"Stay away from there, Gramps and Boy!" Adam said still laughing and did a stance.

"Huh." We stood there shocked. "Everyone used to laugh at me, 'giggles', I was walking punchline." Adam laughed and started to whines. "But not anymore" he giggles creeply."

The clown was moving a little close as he holding the chainsaws. "When the zombies everyone died!"

He started to laugh like a maniac and juggling his chainsaws again.

"That's why I decided to give all the happy people a lift on this fun ride." The clown said as we turned to see two dolls covered in blood and I thought to myself.

'This clown is really crazily stupid!'

"I won't let you stop the ride, Gramps and Boy, if the ride stops, then the zombies come back and that won't be any fun at all." He continues to laugh as we look at him like he is crazy and man he is.

Boss Battle Start.

3rd Pov.

Start Ost.

Frank and Izuku ran out of the space rider to better space while Adam, the clown's name was Chasing us.

They shoot their guns at Adam but he blocks them with his chainsaws. He jumps in the air and drag rolls then swings chainsaws at them.

They dodged the saws by going to the sides. They got had to come with a plan fast.

Suddenly, Adam starts blowing a balloon which got Izuku annoyed and he shot the balloon making him cough.

He ran up to Adam and punched in the face really hard.

He ran up to Adam and punched in the face really hard

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"Take that!" Izuku taunted him knocking him out.

He shot him in the chest to make sure he's dead.

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