Ch. 23: Battle with the Daughters, and Meeting the Todoroki's

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Sports Festival Stadium

Izumi's Pov.

When I carried Bakugo to the nurse's office, I went to sit with the others.

Shoka: So how did it go with you taking your old friend, Izumi?

Izumi: To be honest, I wanted to throw him in the river but I have more morals than that.

Esdeath: No one blames you for doing so.

Izumi: I probably will get arrested for using my quirk by bringing him to space.

Iida: Plus, it wouldn't be very heroic.

Kaminari: Iida, Heroic died when zombies were ruling Willamette and villains started attacking us.

Our eyes widened and caught by surprise by Kaminari making a point.

Sero: For once, he's got you there, Iida.

Jirou: Pikachu said something smart.

Kaminari: Hey! I'm just stating the facts.

Iida (nervously chuckled): I- I was just kidding.

Izumi: Iida is making jokes, it's the end of the world!

We all laughed at the moment we had. So after that, we watched the battle with my brother and Akame.

Izuku vs Akame

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku goes up to the stage to face Akame. Izuku nodded at her for good luck and same with Akame.

Midnight asked them if they were ready and they were.

Akame erases his quirk and Izuku still keeps going.

They both traded fists with each other. Izuku dodged and counters Akame. She gets pushed back and she jumps up. Akame does a high kick.

Izuku dodge rolls out of the way. Then Izuku does a bicycle kick, and Akame gets pushed back while blocking. Izuku stands on two feet while doing his battle stance. Akame's quirk stopped working and she had no choice but to give up.

Akame: I'm sorry I don't think I can go on.

Izuku: Looks like you're at your limit.

Akame: And it looks like you win.

Izuku: Nah, you would have beaten me in a matter of seconds and I would have done the same. That proves you are strong.

Akame: Thanks. Miss Midnight, I give up!

Midnight: Very well. Izuku West is the winner!

The crowd cheers and applauds. Izuku and Akame bow to each other.

Izuku (smiled): Thank you, Kame-Chan. For an awesome battle.

Akame (blushed): No problem, Izu. Same to you.

They both walked away from each other. Meanwhile, while two best friends watch from above.

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