Ch. 9: A Bomb Chase and A Loss of a Friend

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Maintenance Tunnel

Izuku's Pov

So apparently, Dad, Brad and I went to go find the bombs. Isabela told us the bombs were in the Maintenance Tunnel inside the gas vans. There were five bombs so we went to find them.

We used the white car to drive to the bombs. We found four so far but Carlito had the bomb and he was driving the van.

I looked at the shopping Kart and told Dad to deal with the rest of the bombs while I'll handle Carlito.

Frank: But Izuku-

Izuku: Just get these bombs outta here, I got this!

Frank sighs: Alright, but don't get killed

I nodded and smirked as he ran to the Kart. I drove to the van and had a plan.

First, he be right behind me then and he'll lose me. Lastly, he won't know where he's looking and we'll I ramed him.

I knocked the van over and got out of car. Carlito gets out the van with a gun and I went to cover.

Izuku: Come on, I know your pissed off at the government but you're going to far.

He shoots at me but I already behind cover. Brad came running towards him while aiming his gun at him.

Brad: Freeze!

Carlito shoots at him. Brad goes to cover next to me. Carlito gets the opportunity to run.

Brad: Shit! I'm gonna go after him. You get those bombs outside, Izuku!

Izuku: Take this! You'll need it!

He takes the ammo and runs off to deal with Carlito. I took the bomb and ran off. I also took a shopping kart and rolled it outside.

Meanwhile with Brad

Narrator's Pov.

Brad was in the storage room with Carlito. He was behind cover and shooting at him.

Brad: We got rid of your bombs. This is as far as you go today. Just give up and surrender!

A zombie approached behind Brad. Brad turns around and shoots him in the head. Blood was on his face and he wiped it off. He crouches down while leaning against the shelf. He checked his clip and only had a few bullets left.

Brad reloads his gun and takes a deep breath as gets out of cover. He starts running towards Carlito while doing it Max Payne style. The bullet from Brad got him and Carlito's gun slides over to him.

Brad points his gun while Carlito is on the ground bleeding. Brad moves in closer to him.

Brad: Your terrorist days are over, Carlito. You're finished.

Little did he know, he had one final move. He got out his knife knocking the gun out of Brad's hand. Carlito brings his knife close to his face. Brad elbows him letting him go. Brad gets stabbed in the back by him.

Brad swings and misses. He gets kicked out of the Storage room by Carlito. He closes the door on Brad. He is left in the dark but he is not alone.

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