Ch. 11: Another Way & TimeBombs

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West Residence

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku woke up from his nap and decided to get something to eat. He walked out of his apartment and began walking. It was a beautiful morning but something felt odd about it.

Izuku noticed a kid walking very slowly.

Izuku concerned: Hey, Kid you alright?

The kid didn't respond so he calls him out again.

Izuku: Hello!

Izuku turned to hear a woman screaming and a bunch of kids went charging at her. They began to eat her and Izuku turned to the kid to see his face ripped opened.

Izuku: Holy Crap!

He began run for his life and saw the whole town of Nevada in chaos. He heard a little crying in the alley and checked it out.

Izuku: Hey, What's wrong, little girl?

Little girl: I feel weird...

The little girl began coughing out blood. Izuku got closer while the little girl stood up.

Izuku: Um.. are you-

The little girl came charging at Izuku and he pushed her away. Izuku walked out of the alley way and looked around for help but all he saw was chaos.

When he turned around, he saw his parents being eaten alive while they called out his name. The only thing Izuku can do is scream.

Suddenly, he started to see some light.

Carlito's Hideout

Izuku's Pov.

I opened my eyes quickly and groaned in pain. I turned to see Dad, Jessie, and Isabela all here.

Isabela: You're awake. Oh, thank god... Are you alright? You looked like you were having a nightmare.

Izuku: I was? Wait...

I looked around the room to see I'm in Carlito's Hideout.

Izuku: The helicopter... really crashed?

Frank: Unfortunately.

Jessie sighs: Sadly, yes.

I sigh and began to chuckle to myself. I rubbed my head for not taking this right now.

Izuku: My head hurts just thinking about it.

Isabela: It's amazing how you survived this. You should be so lucky.

Izuku scoffed: Yeah. Luck. Luck brought me to this forsaken place. Luck was the reason I saw you along with a crazy store owner. It also brought the helicopter to crash, yeah I feel so lucky!

Isabela stood there in silence and all she could do was sigh. I sigh and shook my head.

Izuku: I'm sorry, I'm just... really pissed off and I took it out on the zombies.

Izuku West: Dead Rising StoryWhere stories live. Discover now