Ch. 3: More Survivors, Prisoners, and The Gun Shop

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Security Room

Izuku Povs.

I came back to the security room with a survivor named Bill. Otis told me that Brad came by with my Dad, Frank. I opened the yellow door and saw Brad talking to Jessie. He told me that they were discussing transportation for Dr. Barnaby. I laid on the bed to listen.

"Hmm, so that's what Dr. Barnaby said huh?" Jessie said.

"The old coot's not dumb, he wants us to call for help, we got a line out or what?" Brad asked, Jessie checks the laptop to contact HQ but couldn't get a signal.

"Ugh, the signal being blocked I can't even contact HQ on the emergency line." Jessie said.

"So, if we wanna get our hands on Dr. Barnaby, we're gonna to have to secure a way out of here ourselves, alright, we've gotta deal with the situation we've been handed, the boneheads back to HQ might be workin' something too." Brad said about to leave.

"There's a helicopter comin'." Dad said, Brad looked at him. "Three days from now at noon it's our ride." Dad explained the transportation.

"Is your ride reliable?" Brad asked, I nodded and smiled.

"Yup, that's the plan of getting us outta of here." I replied.

"Alright then, I'll see to it that the DHS picks up the charter fee, can we take Dr. Barnaby as well?"

"Sure, as long as you tell us what's going on?" Dad questioned him, I chuckled and smiled.

"Okay I tell you what you wanna know later." Brad replied, I nodded.

"He's right, right now we have other things to do like helping people or getting ammo." I said, Dad gave me a thumbs up.

"Exactly, if we're going hold for three days we'll need supplies." Brad said, I nodded.

"We need water, blankets, and the like." I replied. "We'll do what we can to help." Dad nodded.

"We'll get Dr. Barnaby tomorrow morning." Brad said and told Jessie. "I want you to keep a eye on the monitors." He left to get supplies.

I looked at the monitors, then Dad left to look the mall to find supplies as well.

"You know, when we came here to find a scoop, we weren't expecting this." I said, Jessie sighs and nodded.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting this either."

"Poor people, they don't deserve this." I sigh and ask; "So do you have a quirk, Jessie?" She shook her head.

"No, I don't, I don't need a quirk to be a DHS agent because I have something called-"


"Exactly." I laughed and smiled.

"You're not only funny and smart but you're also cute." I smiled, then I noticed Jessie blushing. "Man, I thought my past worse than this." I said making Jessie confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

Before I could answer her I noticed survivors barricading themselves in Al Fresca Plaza.

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