Ch. 8: The Real Truth, Cult Leader, and Paul

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Security Room:
Minutes later

Jessie's Pov.

It was only a couple minutes when Izuku brought in this girl. He said this girl's brother is the one who caused this.

She was shot by her own brother, I couldn't believe it but Izuku was pissed just by sound in his voice.

Speaking of Izuku, he came out of the room with his talk with Dr. Barnaby and he said; "He didn't wanna talk until help arrived.

The girl started to wake up and Izuku gave her water. I stood by Izuku to listen to her.

Izuku: Well, Brad say what you wanna say

He nodded and puts his hands on the chair.

Brad: What is your name?

The girl looked at Izuku and he nodded while crossing his arms.

The girl: Isabela... Isabela Keyes.

Brad began to sit down on the chair.

Brad: Well, Isabela... This is an emergency, so we'll skip with the formalities and cut to the chase. Consider this an official interrogation. Tell me everything that you know.

Jessie: Izuku mentioned that this is our fault, what did you mean by that?

Isabela sighs and looked at Brad.

Isabela: Fine I'll why all of this is your fault.

Isabela explained: There was no drug trade in Santa Cabeza. Just an American research facility. They were doing research on some sort of parasitic insect. Like a wasp. A wasp that turns living things into zombies.

Izuku (shocked): Wait, a wasp?

He looked at Frank and he nodded while crossing his arms as well. Brad couldn't believe it but I feel like she's telling the truth.

Isabela: Yes, and if don't believe me, just ask the man who was in charge of that research.
The head of the Santa Cabeza Livestock Research Facility, Dr. Barnaby!

Our eyes widened with confusion and before I could say something we heard a noise back room.

Brad: Huh?

Izuku (muttered): The hell?

Frank: Huh?

A bang was heard from the door and Dr. Barnaby bursts through it. I began to scream and fall on the floor.

Izuku/Brad: Jessie!

Izuku catches me and puts me behind him as we all look at Dr. Barnaby with a crazy look in his eyes. He looks at Isabela and she looked shocked.

Isabela: It's started! He's turning!

Brad gets his out and Izuku shakes his head to not shoot. Dr. Barnaby begins charge at us and Izuku kicked him to the wall.

Izuku: Don't even think about it!

Izuku: Don't even think about it!

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