Ch. 7: Barnaby's Confession, Survivors, Isabela's Meeting

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Security Room

Izuku's Pov.

After the talk with Isabela, we went back to the Security Room to see if Brad and Jessie got anything out of Dr. Barnaby.

We entered the monitor room and saw Dr. Barnaby with the DHS agents.

Izuku: Hey, Brad glad you're doing well

Brad: Yeah, thanks

Frank: You learn anything new on this end?

I stood against the wall and Jessie began to speak.

Jessie: Santa Cabeza is a stronghold of the Central American drug trade.

Brad: The professor here seems to think that the zombies are a by-product of these drugs.

I sigh and was dumbfounded.

Izuku: So let me get something straight someone turned people into zombies with some type of drug?

Frank: For what, what would make the dead come to life accomplish?

Dr. Barnaby: They're terrorists, don't try to explain their actions with logic!

Dr. Barnaby explained: I analyzed the drug in question and I've reported my findings to the government.

He coughs and continues explaining.

Dr. Barnaby: That must be what set them off.

He coughed again while speaking.

Dr. Barnaby: Th-They didn't want to be... exposed.

He started coughing and stood up. I got confused because this story didn't add up to what Isabela said.


Isabela: You ruined Santa Cabeza and started all this!

Isabela: The zombies were created by you, not us!

Flashback End

I don't think the old man is telling the whole truth.

Dr. Barnaby lying: I've... I've told you everything I know, now get me out of here.

He did a small cough and looked at us.

Dr. Barnaby (annoyed): Call for help and kill those freaks!

He walks to the back of the door while coughing. I sigh and shook my head.

Izuku: Look, I don't trust that old guy, he knows something and it ain't no zombie drug, it's something else.

Frank: Yeah, but what could it be and what's up with cough?

Brad: Old coot probably getting sick.

Izuku: Maybe, but just in case keep your guard up and for now on we'll wait for the helicopter to show up.

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