Ch. 24: Names, Meeting a Bunny and Gran Trino

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Class 1A

Izuku's Pov.

It was two days when the Sports Festival ended, a lot happened.

Everyone at U.A. started getting attention from a lot of people. The Sports Festival brought a lot of attention because of it.

Also, I've been taking care of Isabela from time to time. I told her about the girls in my life and she agreed to them being in the harem.

Iida was going through a lot right now, even though he didn't win the Sports Festival he wishes that he could have helped his brother. Stain put Ingiuem in a coma and the doctor said he could never walk again.

I tried my best to be a supportive friend to him.

Izuku: Has anyone seen Iida?

Ochaco: He said he wanted to be alone so he's outside. Although I worried about him.

Tsuyu: You think one of us should check on him?

Shoka: He's going through a lot right now, maybe we give him some space.

Izuku: Yeah, we should but as Iida's friends we should be there for him.

Ochaco: You're right, Izuku.

Shoka: Hey, something has been bugging me.

Izuku: What?

Shoka: Why does Bakugo call you Deku? That means useless if I'm not mistaken.

Izuku: Oh, that was a stupid nickname he called me.

Izumi: It doesn't really bother him anymore because Izuku defeat him so if he tries again, he'll defeat him again.

Ochaco: If you ask me, I think you just prove that even a useless person can do anything. You should call Dekiru instead of Deku.

Izuku: Really?

Ochaco: Yeah, so if you asked me Deku can be a hero too.

I smiled and chuckled.

Izuku: I guess you're right, thanks Ochaco.

Ochaco (blushed): Oh, you're welcome!

Akame: Guys, Iida's back.

Iida walked in and sat down on his chair.

Izuku: 'sighs' Iida, do you know what rich clouds do?

Iida (sad): No, what?

Izuku: They make it rain!

Iida chuckled lightly and I smiled.

Iida: I see what you are trying to do but thanks for trying, West.

Izuku: Don't worry, your brother is safe, that's all that matters.

Esdeath: He's got a point, Iida.

Kaminari: Yeah, I mean he may not-

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