Ch. 17: Friends, Talk with the Family, A New Student

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U.A. College Parking Lot

Izuku's Pov.

I was standing there hearing the news about my ex douche bag of a father giving Todoroki a scar. He wouldn't do that unless... Okay I gotta ask.

Izuku: So... Did my dad marry your mom or something.

Shoka: No, but he almost did.

Izuku: Okay what-

???: West-kun!

I turned to see Ochaco waving and Iida beside her. I wonder what they want at this unfortunate time.

Iida smiled: Aren't you walking home, Mr. West.

Izuku: No mister stuff, just call me, Izuku.
And Kun?

Ochaco: O-oh just a nickname! You don't like it!

Izuku smiled: No I have no problem with it.

I turned to Todoroki and said to her.

Izuku: Can we talk about this later at my house?

Shoka sighs: You're right. I'll meet you two at your house if I can find it.

I nodded and gave the directions. She walked away from us.

Izuku: So what did you want to talk to us about?

Iida: I just wanted to say you both did excellent on the test.

Izumi smiled: Thanks, Iida. You too, Iida!

Ochaco: And you were amazing too, the way swoop into action to save Yaoyorozu.

Izuku: Anybody else could've done that.

Iida: Nonsense! You moved very fast! You two must train a lot!

Izumi: Uh, something like that.

Izuku: Yeah...

Ochaco confused: Did something happen?

Izuku: Nope, nothing.

Izumi: Izuku, I think we should tell them..

She said that in a whisper. My eyes widened like she was insane but she was right.

Ochaco: What are you two whispering about?

Iida: Is something the matter?

Izuku sighs: Just get in the car, we'll explain on the way.

They walked with me and their eyes widened to see my car.

Iida: Fascinating.

Ochaco smiled: Fantastic!

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled at something my dad would say.

Ochaco confused: What's funny?

Izuku: Don't worry about it. Let's go.

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