Ch. 10: The Facts & Help Arrives?

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Carlito's Hideout

Izuku's Pov.

I told Dad to go back to the security room to let me know if people are still out there.

Meanwhile, I went back to the hideout to tell her. Sure, he was a bad guy but he had his reasons and he cared for his sister.

She turned to see me with my head down. I took a deep breath.

Izuku: Carlito is... gone.

Her eyes widened with sadness and depression.

Isabela: No... Oh.

She turned back to the laptop. I sighed and rubbed my neck.

Izuku: You know he cared about you till the very end. He said he was sorry.

I sighed heavily and sat beside her.

Izuku: Although, he didn't tell his password, but besides the point. You see when I was a kid, I wanted to get revenge on the people who did this to me. It wasn't gonna make it better because revenge is just a fool's game.

I clenched my fist and slammed it on the floor.

Izuku: That idiot!

I sighed and looked at Isabela with a sad look on her face. I pulled out the locket and showed it to Isabela.

Izuku: Your brother... wanted you to have this.

She takes the locket and opens it while holding it.

Isabela(sad): Papa... Mama.

The sound in her voice made me more angry about the government even more. She began to cry and I patted her shoulder.

Izuku softly: Take your time.

I turned away to give her a moment and she started to say.

Isabela: Pachamama..

I was confused by that word knowing it must be important. Suddenly, I heard a beep and turned to see "access granted" on the laptop.

Izuku: Pachamama was the password? What does that word mean?

Isabela: Pachamama... Mother Earth. Our parents said that a lot.

I stood there and listened to her.

Isabela (sad): The place we lived. Santa Cabeza... was blessed with nature.

She looked at me with a sad look.

Isabela (sad): Please believe me when I say my brother didn't want all this. He only wanted to live in peace in Santa Cabeza.

I sigh with understanding and nodded. Isabela looked the photo of her parents and brother. She had nothing left and suddenly, I heard a ring coming from my phone. I looked at the name of person and it was my... mom.

Izuku: Mom, are you okay?

Inko (voice): that's my line! You had me worry sick! I called you to ask how your trip was and-

Izuku West: Dead Rising StoryWhere stories live. Discover now