Ch. 6 Above the Law, The Cult, and Girl Hunting

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North Plaza

Izuku Pov.

You see, I went to get some more ammo from the gun shop and I just came out of the Supermarket because a big guy named Richard wanted food and we needed a lot of it.

So I put food and drinks in my backpack. After that, I went to get some ammo from Cletus. I went back to the safe house to bring the stuff and then I got call from Otis about a cop.

He said she's keeping a bunch of girls hostages. I went to check it out.

Narrator's Pov.

Izuku enters the Lovely Fashion House store and saw girls held being handcuffed. A girl in the chair while the cop, Jo was standing beside her. The minute she saw Izuku, she said this.

Jo: What have we here?

Izuku thought: What the hell is wrong with this lady?

Jo: Looks like you've lured another man in here, you little whore.

Kay: No.. I didn't.

Kay with a pleading look.

Kay: I... Please help me!

Jo: Let's see just how shameless you are, you dirty little skank...

Jo the cop pulls out a nightstick.

Kay (scared): No, not again help me!

Jo rubs the nightstick on Kay's leg.

Izuku: Hey, Officer!

Jo ignored him

Izuku: Uh.. Hello, Officer.

Jo did it again and Izuku sighs.

Izuku: Hey, lady how about you stop being a creep and let these girls go

Jo: Shut your pie hole!

Jo glares at Izuku while pointing her nightstick at him.

Jo: If you try to interfere with official police business, I'll start with you before I get to her!

Jo points her stick at her then begins to laugh creepily, it made Izuku uncomfortable and angry.

Boss Battle Music

Izuku: Your creepy ass is dead

Izuku begins to shoot at her, leaving two holes on her shoulders

Jo: You little runt!

Izuku (joked): Well you are bigger than me

Jo got annoyed and chased Izuku. Izuku ran to the wall and did a flip over Jo. Jo swings her nightstick, Izuku grabs it and he lifts her up. Izuku slams her on the ground then he stomps her head and kicks her.

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