Ch. 25: Izuku West vs Stain, and Hospital

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The Train

Izuku's Pov.

You see I would have driven us to the city but the old man wanted to take the train and wanted to patrol the City the old fashion way, walking.

I'm pretty sure, Hosu City is where Iida's brother got attacked by Stain. Sometimes, I worry about him. I wonder if he'll get revenge on Stain and if that happens, I'll deal with it.

Anyway, I took the train to Hosu City and rode with Esdeath along with the Pro heroes, Mirko and Gran Trino.

G.T: Listen, if you kids are gonna be real heroes, you gotta patrol the streets and deal with thugs.

Mirko: Just try to keep up, zombie killer!

Izuku: Yeah, but I'm not dealing with zombies, I'm dealing with bad dudes.

G.T: Once we are done with patrolling, you'll be one step away from taking ultimate control of one for all.

Izuku: Thank you two, I appreciate it.

Mirko: Yeah, don't mention it, West.

Esdeath: Hey, you have been training well!

Izuku: You also have been training well, don't forget that, Ice Queen.

Esdeath: 'giggled' Thanks, Deku West.

I smiled and looked at the window to fire outside. I was curious about that like "how did that happen."

Izuku: What is that?

They turned to the window as well and had the same reaction as me.

G.T: I don't know. Maybe it's-

He was cut off by a Nomu that crashed into the train. The people screamed and Gran Trino hit Nomu which knocked it off the train. Mirko followed him and told us to stay behind but I didn't want that.

Izuku: And there they go.

Esdeath: Let's go!

We exited out of the Speed Train and went to go check on them. I used my black whip quirk to swing from building to building and Esdeath ran to keep up with me.

I'm worried about Shoka because she probably could hurt and I care about her. She must be doing an Internship with her brother.

I think the rest of the heroes are joining in on the battle.

Izuku: These Nomus are everywhere!

Esdeath: Yeah, and these are way different than the one we saw.

I looked around for someone familiar and saw Manual. He was supposed to be with Iida but he mentioned that he left him in the middle of this.

My eyes widened by realizing where he went and turned to Esdeath.

Izuku: You think Iida?

Esdeath: Most likely.

Izuku: Damnit, Tenya! We're gonna have a long talk after this!

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