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It's nearly two in the morning when your phone rings, making you jump off the bed, where just seconds ago you've been dozing off.

You quickly accept the video call, fixing your hair in a quick motion and smiling widely as the person on the other end of the phone appears.

It's your boyfriend Jaehyun, calling from Japan, where he has been spending the last month working.

"Hey", a deep voice appears.

You smile, sitting back in your bed. "Hey Jaehyunie."

Jaehyun's dimples make an appearance as his smile deepens. "How have you been?"

You sigh, trying to maintain your smile. Of course you want to be honest with your boyfriend and want to share how much you miss him and how many times you cry yourself to sleep because he's so far away.

But you don't want to burden him, or make him feel bad. Besides, he'll be home very soon and then there will be enough time for you to be with him.

"I'm good", you tilt your head at him, "but I miss you, of course."

Jaehyun sighs loudly, the screen shaking and going black momentarily, before it returns to normal. A smiling Jaehyun reappears.

You laugh, "what just happened?"

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun chuckles. "I hugged you."

You stare blankly at him for a moment, before you laugh again. "Jaehyun", you drag his name out.

"What? Whenever you said you missed me I hugged you tightly. Have I been gone so long you forgot about that, or what?"

Your smile softens as you remember those days. When Jaehyun was next to you.

"I can't wait to come home in a few weeks and hug you in person", Jaehyun almost whispers. He sounds as sad as you feel deep inside.

You nod, your throat tightening, "me too."

You smile at each other, getting interrupted by loud voices on Jaehyun's end. He looks around, his phone shaking again as he says something, probably to his colleagues.

"Hey, baby, I have to go now. I'm sorry todays call is so short."

"It's okay", you reassure. It's night for you, but Jaehyun is a couple hours ahead, calling in his lunch break.

"I will call you again tomorrow, now go to sleep, I know you probably already dozed off four times waiting for me", he chuckles, knowing you all too well.

"I love you", you say quickly, waving at the camera.

"I love you more."

And with that the phone call ends and you're back to sitting in your silent, empty bedroom. You sigh, putting your phone aside and lying down in bed again.

You know he's only gone temporary and the sooner you know Jaehyun will return from Japan and you will have him next to you again.

That's all you want, having him next to you again.

Jung Jaehyun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now