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pairings: jaehyun x reader.

genre: smut, fluff?

content: strangers to lovers, fashion week, reader's famous, riding, female masturbation. 

the ringing sound of the service phone dragged you out of your reverie. you left your unfinished cigarette in the balcony ashtray and went inside, picking it up. "your taxi arrived, madame." the woman on the phone informed. you thank her before hanging out, heading to the entrance of your hotel room.

as you stepped outside, you catch the sound of keys to your side. someone was leaving their room as well as yours. your eyes found each other, a glimpse of a smile and a spark in his eyes, before bowing his head in greet. "beautiful night, isn't it?" he asked. 

"it is," you answered.

 the memories of the night before came to the surface. Jae-Hyun. his name was Jaehyun. the boy you couldn't take your eyes off during the evening. and apparently, he couldn't either. furtive looks at the event. a small talk in the hallway about the show. shy flirting in the banquet. there was something intimate between you. a secret truth, both of you know.

you sighed, feeling bitter. another night full of flashes. events you didn't want to attend. people you didn't want to greet. was he going to? you wonder. would you meet him again?. "it's the last night, right?" you asked, walking beside him to the elevator. "indeed," he said. "what a shame we have to miss it," you confessed.

beautiful, beautiful Milan. you were there, but it felt like you weren't at all. "I wish I could skip it," added when the door closed.

a smirk appeared on his face, and small dimples adorned his smile, through the reflection of the mirror. "shall we?" the question caught you off guard. looking at him with surprise at the bare suggestion. he looked at you as if he saw something in your eyes. a spark, maybe, at the idea? "shall we skip the night?" he asked again, and when the doors opened at the lobby of the hotel, you answered: "I'd love to".

what things you could do in the city of dreams and lovers?

stopping at a store and trying on all the sunglasses in the exhibit area. and bought small souvenirs at stalls in the street. going to a restaurant and tasting different kinds of wine. be in the tallest building, just to see the city lights. and admire works of art in a museum, silently, with only the sound of your agitated breaths.

 eager the whole night for the sight of your hands barely touching. glancing at each other while between the statues. finding a place lonely enough to corner you against the wall. his fancy cologne in the air you were breathing. the space between your bodies getting smaller as he approached you.

"my beautiful yn." your name, on his lips, almost sound like a promise. his height towering over you, even though you were wearing heels. "Like to be chased," stated. "what makes you think that?" you asked, with fake innocence. bringing a smile to the boy's face, picturing the plan you drew up to attract him to that place, just so the two of you could be alone. 

"mhm..." he mumbled,

 his finger tracing a path to your upper arm. a gasp leaving your lips, slightly open, dragging his attention to them. god, you wanna kiss him so bad.

"do it," he demanded, a coy smile dancing on his lips. you looked at it with confusion, until the realization hit your abdomen. did you say it out loud? jaehyun's funny look answered your questions. there was no going back, then. your hands reached his neck, pulling him closer to you. both let out their breath, before you pressed your lips against his.

a taste of wine on his tongue. the velvety feeling on your lips. small sounds dying in each other's throats. stroking his hair. his hands on your back, and your waist, and again on your back. the tough surface of his chest under your hands as you let him guide the kiss. deepened it. leaving you without breath.

 his heavy breathing impacting on your cheek, while he aspired your fragrance. his lips pressing kisses on the skin of your shoulder. "so beautiful," confessed, his hands holding you closer to his body. one of them tracing a path to your thighs. a glance at your face, asking. a small nod.

his hand easily found the way inside. rubbing over the material of your underwear. doing enough to make you arch your back. shivers embracing your body. his warm breath hitting your neck, teasing aside the fabric and touching you. A gasp left your lips as you felt his fingers in your entrance. sticking two fingers inside, moving subtly, drawing sighs out of you.

his fingers going deeper, pumping in and out. each stroke making your legs go numb. weak. his other hand keeping you in place, as he fucked you with his fingers. small sounds coming from your mouth. praising words coming from his. you leaned over him and bite the fabric on his shoulder, feeling that you could die if he didn't continue making you feel this good.

"I wanna fuck you so bad," he whispered. "moaning my name like this, so pretty." your walls clenched around his fingers, as your high built up. going numb. seeing stars in your sight. finally releasing the explosion in your core.

 you stayed like this for a couple of seconds, feeling his fingers bump a few more strokes, as he didn't want to end. your legs trembled when he pulled his fingers out. you licked your lips, catching your breath. "do it." he saw you with hesitation, but you could only see the fire burning behind it. "fuck me".

he pinned you down, his grip on your lower back, while his thrusts became harder. pounding you down on the mattress. arching your back like a cat. little moans leaving your lips. brainwashed. overstimulate. the wet sound of your cunt filling the room, while a low melody was played in the background.

it felt so good. unbearable. Do you want him to stop or continue to drive you to madness?. a small whine came from your lips when his thrusts stopped.

 "turn around." as your face left the soft surface of the pillow, you didn't realize how much the feeling was for you. he wiped the tears from your cheeks and smiled dearly. the dim lights brought a shine to the sweat on his chest. grabbing your ankles, and placing them on his shoulder.

his cock burying deeper. "harder," you begged and soon he did what you command. whines leave your mouth.

 "Jae..." you said.

 "fuck," he responded.

 "you feel so good, cum for me honey, you earned it," he confessed, before your whole body vibrated, reaching your orgasm. you bite your lips as the waves of pleasure spread to your limbs. feeling your walls pulsating around Jaehyun's cock, while he left kisses on your lips. unable to follow along.

as your high passed, a desire furrowed your thoughts. "let me ride you". he searched for your eyes, a dazzling light making them shine only for you. Since you didn't get an immediate response, you took the initiative and pushed him slightly to exchange places. "let me make you feel good," you added, as you watched him be puzzled. a spark of desire in his dilated pupils. "let me make you feel as good as you made me feel".

his dick sliced with ease inside you, making you roll your hips. biting your lips. you soon start to go up and down. rolling your eyes, feeling dizzy. you glanced at him, only to see him close his eyes, his mouth slightly opened, leaving out pretty moans, like him. he looks so magnificent. in the dim light. with pearls of sweat on his chest and forehead. you didn't believe something that beautiful was with you, under you, inside you. making you feel all these emotions that could disguise as love.

he locked eyes with you while you were admiring himself, furrowing his eyebrows as he placed his hands on your waist, guiding your moves. meeting your hips when you went down on him, making you profane a curse. 

"you feel so good, Jae," you said. "kiss me," he begged, pulling you closer while you speeded your movements. a kiss so messy, but full of indescribable emotions. a groan died in your mouth when he let his seed spill inside you. his hands helped you to go up and down in him a few more strokes before you released yourself. both catching a breath, while the chaos released, feeling each other's hearts.

he lay you down. tired. watching the ceiling of the room. a magnificent painting of a starry night. his hands looked for you under the sheets, until he finally found you. pulling you closer. looking at each other under the stars.

tumblr: hyudior

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