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Warnings: angst, smut, oral sex (male receiving), semi public, dirty talk, cum swallowing, lowkey breeding kink, light snowballing

Jaehyun fumbles with a loose thread on his t-shirt. You stare on in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"I uh... you wanna go to the store with me?" he asks awkwardly.

You two were arguing again. This time, over finding a new apartment to move into. You liked the new building that was almost complete a few blocks away but Jaehyun was more than happy to move up to the top floor of the building you already live in.

You both had wanted it when you moved in and the plan was to take it once it became vacant but that new building sure is a lot prettier.

"No, I don't wanna go anywhere with you," You reply as you cross your arms.

He shrugs, "Well then don't ask for shit because I'm not bringin' you shit. You want it, come get it."

"Fine. I'll come but you better not say shit to me," You sigh as you turn to get your wallet off of the dresser.

"The fuck are you bringing your wallet for? Leave it. I'll pay," he says peevishly.

"Fuck you and your money. I'll pay for my own shit," You snap as you shove your wallet into your back pocket.

Jaehyun scoffs, "Fuck you too. I'll be in the car. Hurry up or I'm leaving and you can walk," he says as he heads out.

"Leave if you want to- watch me change those locks before your flat ass gets back!" You call out.

A "fuck you, my ass is fine!" booms through the apartment and then you hear the front door slam.

You roll your eyes and decide to take your time getting to the car.

Once inside the car, you sit in silence as Jaehyun drives. The silence is thick and you keep your eyes out the window. The night air is cool and you roll your window up a bit.

Jaehyun does the same, "There's an ice cream sale at the grocery store across town so that's where we're going... in case you were wondering."

"But did I ask?" You mumble.

Jaehyun sighs, "Well, I figured you would eventually since you question everything I do anyway."

"When have I ever questioned you?" You scoff as you turn to glare at Jaehyun.

"This whole shit with the goddamn apartment! That was the plan since we moved in- take the smaller one and wait it out and if it wasn't available by the time we hit thirty, then we'd look elsewhere- so now- literally not even a whole fucking year later, you wanna deviate from the plan and keep asking me if I'm sure I don't wanna leave altogether! Like I'm too stupid to know what I want!" he yells.

"I never said you were!" You yell back.

"Really? 'Oh, c'mon, Jae... are you sure? Really just think about it. I think if you really think about it, you'd like it.' I did think about it and I still don't like it! The top floor gives you the view of the water just like you wanted, we're good with all of our neighbors, most of what we need is within walking distance- this is a fucking penthouse that's in our budget- why are you not happy about this?"

"Well I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you that I talked with the owner of the building."

"You're gonna fucking leave me? Over a goddamn apartment? Really Y/n?"

You groan, "No, Jaehyun! The owner was telling me about the floorplans and there's no space for expanding the family if we move in. That's what I was gonna tell you before you got your lil attitude. Fuck!"

"Oh shit, really?" he asks incredulously. The crease he's had in his brow all day finally softens and he purses his lips.

"Yeah... The closets are too small, he canceled the balcony plans, the kitchen is more like a kitchenette, and there's no room for a washing machine or a dryer so we'll lose more than we gain... You thought I was gonna dump you for an apartment?"

"I dunno. Maybe? I'm sorry but like... we've been fighting a lot and I didn't know what to think," he replies sheepishly.

"The day our arguments become sexless, prepare for the worst because that's when you should be worried about me leaving. You're my home, okay? Whether we stay where we are, or move upstairs, or move into a boat- I just wanna be with you."

Jaehyun laughs softly, "Well since that's resolved... You said my ass is flat. Apologize."

You smile and lean over to kiss him softly, "Push your seat all the way back, daddy... I'll apologize."

Jaehyun presses the button on the side of his seat and slowly he moves backwards. It brings a funny lightness to this moment.

When he's as far back as he can go, he leans the seat back then his hand comes up to grab you by the back of your head and he brings you in for a searing kiss.

His tongue licks against yours as his free hand gets his pants open, "D'you know how fucking hot you are when you're angry?" he purrs.

You reach down to palm him through his jeans, "Is that why you're so hard?" You sigh as you shift enough to lean over.

"I love it because I get to put you back in your place after... now get to it," he says and pushes your head down.

He hits the back of your throat and you moan as you suck him hungrily.

"Such a good girl... just like that... yeah, baby," he sighs as his hand gently strokes your head.

You hum as you take him in as far as you can and Jaehyun holds you there for a moment before pulling you up to kiss him, "Not so quick to talk shit now, huh?" he says and pushes you back down.

He holds your head steady as he fucks into your mouth. You moan and gag around him, "Take it, slut," he moans.

And you do take it; each slow thrust. Every time the head of his cock hits your throat, you moan. You can feel your panties getting soaked and you squeeze your thighs together.

Jaehyun's thrusts get sloppy, "Gonna swallow daddy's cum like a good girl, right?" he sighs.

You hum eagerly. Hot cum shoots into your mouth and you greedily milk his cock for every drop you can get. You slowly ease him out of your mouth before giving the head of his cock a soft suck; hoping for more.

"God... every time you do something like this... all I can think about is how much of my cum we're wasting because... fuck..." He trails off as you continue to suck on the head of his cock.

"As much as I love seeing you swallow, I'd much rather pump that little pussy with my cum til it's leaking out... maybe get you pregnant... You wanna be full of my cum, right?"

You nod.

"Fuck... tell me you're mine... say it," he sighs as he pulls you back up to kiss him. He licks into you mouth and you share the traces of his cum that's left.

"I'm yours, daddy," You mumble against his lips.

He presses his forehead to yours, "Yeah fuckin' right you are," he chuckles.

tumblr: neoculturecollectives

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