Moving In Series(4)

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Move in with us

Summary: Deciding to spice up a bit with the date of the move-in day is only a few days away, you decided to upload daily vlogs with no specific time hence, surprising your viewers.

Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader

Words: 6.6K

Genre: established relationship au, idol! jaehyun, YouTuber !reader, fluff, smut

Warning/s: tooth-rotting fluff, a huge amount of monologue, smut in the form of oral: fem & male receiving, cum eating, squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people!), Excessive use of baby

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Jaehyun is very busy promoting alongside NCT 2020 for their recent unit on the Resonance album. And when the opportunity to spend even the tiniest bit of time with him came to present itself, you couldn't be more than happier to grab that opportunity with your boyfriend hence, the title of your newly premiered vlog on your channel.

Upload 01, D-3

Finally Some Quality Time with the Boyfriend

The vlog started with you sitting in the car with the angle where you could be seen on the driver's side of the vehicle which was something new to your viewers since, in your past uploads, Jaehyun would usually be the one they see driving. A few seconds later, you turn to the camera and wave. Speaking to the camera you said, "Well, isn't this a new sight, right?" still eyes on the road, making a turn. 

"As you've probably read by the title of this video, I'll be spending some much-awaited quality time with Jaehyun today," you continued with a smile plastered on your face.

 "You guys probably think that I look like an idiot smiling while I have my eye on the road, but I'm just very happy to be able to spend time with him," you said as you slowly pushed the brakes to stop. "I usually drive with some music on, but today, I wanted to have a conversation with you a lot without me having to suddenly sing or dance in front of the camera." you laughed. "Anyways, today," you trailed off. "I'll be working out with Jaehyun. We usually work out together but since his schedule is packed and cannot comply with the workout schedule we had previously, I have been working out by myself since my friends are all currently overseas. Which is, by far, the most demotivating thing for me because honestly, who wants to work out alone, right?" you ranted. "I would always see comments about how I don't get fat even if I eat a lot on my socials, and lemme tell y'all, it's all about having good foundations!" you exclaimed, still keeping your eyes on the road. 

"Before I would only eat without having any control, I was even satisfying my cravings in the middle of the night which led me to gradually gain a lot of weight. For a whole year during that time, I was ashamed of myself, I didn't have any confidence in my body," you confessed. "Until I couldn't take it; I didn't want to feel bad about myself anymore. So, I started to apply for a gym membership first and tried to be as consistent as possible in going to the gym and working out with a trainer. Then, I started to change the way I eat, in terms of portioning though. With cravings, I still satisfy them. You don't need to restrict yourselves and most importantly, you do not need to punish yourselves. I also make it a point to listen to my body." you informed.

After about thirty minutes of driving, "Okay, we've arrived. I just need to park my car," you announced while finding a parking space.

The next scene transitioned to you reaching out to the back seat to get your bag. Then, I took the camera off the dashboard and turned off the engine. As you got out of your car, you said, "I have now arrived and parked my car, I'm off to meet Jaehyun inside now. This is not my first time here in this gym, most of the artists under SM go here, Well, that's what Jaehyun told me though, so I couldn't vouch for him since I have not encountered any on the little times I've gone here."

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