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Genre: so much fluff my dudes, domestic! Jaehyun

You brushed the stray snowflakes from your jacket, pulling off your gloves to stuff them into your pocket. Kicking your boots off, careful not to knock any more snow onto the floor, you stumbled around the entrance of your apartment. A low humming filled the air as you stepped around your discarded belongings, following the source of the noise. It grew louder the closer you got to your bedroom, heat radiating from the room and you knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open.

"Is the heating still not working in here?" You groaned, immediately spotting Jaehyun squatting near the space heater at the end of your bed.

"Oh, baby, I didn't hear you come in." He stood up, rushing to embrace you in a warm hug. A blanket was draped over his shoulders, a sweatshirt and sweatpants adorning his body in hopes of maintaining some form of heat.

"Yea, it's fucking freezing out there dude." You mumbled into his chest, burrowing your cold nose into his sweatshirt, hoping to steal some warmth from him.

"We've been dating for a year and a half and you still call me dude." He pouts, pulling your face away from his chest to squish your cheeks.

"It's a term of endearment, dude." You replied, laughing at his expression of distaste.

"How can it be a term of endearment if you call everyone dude?"

"Because you're my dude."

"That makes no sense." He rolled his eyes, releasing you from his grasp to shuffle back towards the heater. "Do you want a sweatshirt? That shirt doesn't look very warm."

He shuffled through his drawers and you hummed in agreement only to be met with one of Jaehyun's sweatshirts to the face. He laughed as you pulled the material over your head, pouting at his actions. Laughter rang throughout the room and you narrowed your eyes before launching yourself at your boyfriend. Landing on his stomach, Jaehyun gave out a sharp "Oh shit!" and his eyes widened as the momentum forced him onto his back. You laughed at his startled expression, taking your turn to squish his face between his hands.

"You are so damn cute Jaehyunie!" You teased, pushing and pulling at his reddening cheeks.

"'M not cute." He mumbled.

"Mmhmm, sure baby."

Quickly, he rolled you over and you let out a yelp at his sudden movement. "You're the cute one. Look at you, practically drowning in my sweatshirt. My baby, so soft." He cooed, nuzzling your nose with his.

"Shut up. When did the landlord say we were getting the heating fixed again?"

"He said by Thursday at the latest."

"That's a whole nother two days." You groaned, throwing your head back against the mattress.

"I know baby, this sucks. Trust our shitty heater to break during the coldest week of the winter," Jaehyun spoke against your neck, nuzzling into the warm skin to inhale your scent. "You smell like me." He hummed, smiling into your neck.

"Because I'm wearing your sweatshirt doofus."

"Yea, well, it's cute."

"Do you want some tea? Or hot chocolate, I think we might have some left."

"What, are you trying to escape?"

"Oh, yes, Jaehyun, I hate being in your warm and loving embrace."

"I knew it," he laughed, "and I'd like one hot chocolate, please."

"One hot chocolate coming right up!" You lightly pushed him off of you, scrambling off the bed to head towards the kitchen. Jaehyun followed close behind, unwilling to leave your embrace. The kitchen radiated more heat than the rest of the small apartment, especially when the oven was turned on. Opening the fridge to grab some milk, you noticed a half-opened package of chocolate chip cookie dough. Desperate for any other form of heat you grabbed the package and milk, turning to face Jaehyun.

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