Last stop

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People cheering was heard all over the venue, leaving in crowds after the group had said their goodbyes, but you walked casually through the corridors of the building. Wandering amongst staff and relatives of the performers with the goal of finding your boyfriend.

Of course, you knew the building by memory, many of your best memories happened in those very own corridors. Now, you experienced being the one watching and enjoying a performance rather than being on stage. The passion and care your partner put into what he did never failed to amaze you. He worked hard and gave his all in everything he did.

With great performance, came great fatigue. You greeted the rest of the boys whose skin glistened with sweat and breath was quick and short, as you walked towards the last dressing room. A white sheet of paper read "Jaehyun" in black ink, the visual made you smile proudly. Knocking on the door softly, you pushed it open to be greeted by your boyfriend sitting back on a small couch.

His head was thrown back and his eyes closed. Even like this, he looked as ethereal as always. His pretty nose tinted a rosy hue matching the apples of his cheeks and his skin glistened with sweat. If you didn't know better, you would've thought that he couldn't tell it was you who had entered the room, but as soon as that sweet cherry blossom scent hit his nose, he knew it was his beloved.

"Hi, baby." he greeted you without opening his eyes and exhaled. "Did you enjoy the performance?" he moved his arms briefly to pat his lap, motioning you to take place on his thighs.

You moved slowly, a few steps were enough to take you where he wanted you to be. You straddled his lap and as soon as your bottom touched his thighs, he pulled your torso towards him. Despite his sweaty state, you felt yourself melt into his embrace. He kept you close to his body, your face buried in the crook of his neck while his right hand circled your waist and his left one stroked your hair lovingly.

"You were amazing out there, baby." you praised. Even though you had no vision of his face, you knew he was smiling, as he placed a soft kiss on the top of your hair afterward.

"Not as great as you," he said and chuckled when you poked his ribs jokingly.

"Shut up. Today you performed, we should focus on you," you said and you meant it.

He hummed in response and indulged himself in the comfortable silence of the room. Your breathing mixed with his that was slowly getting steady.

Your lips pressed faint kisses to his neck and jaw, comforting him and giving him your love.

"Do you wanna go home, now?" You asked and he hummed once more. "Maybe you can take a shower cause you kinda stink."

He laughed wholeheartedly and a smile grew on your lips. "You are mean." He finally opened his eyes to look down at you. "But I love you." He confessed and kissed your lips.

After gathering his belongings, he walked out of the room and walked over to his manager to let him know where he was going.

"Remember, tomorrow off. Monday, 10 am at the Capitol Building. Don't forget." The man told your boyfriend and then turned to you. "He's going to forget, please don't let him miss this meeting."

Your boyfriend whined at the words of the man, making you giggle. "Got it. Monday. 10 am. He will be there dressed and well-fed!"

"Alright, have fun." He said and walked away, turning back for a second. "Safe fun." He emphasized causing the man beside you to blush.

"Will do!" You answered and heard Jaehyun shush you in embarrassment. "We always have safe fun, don't we, Jaehyunie?"

"Hmm," you looked over at his sleepy face and felt bad for him.

Jung Jaehyun imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now