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The drabble where... you spend quarantine with Jaehyun, and lazy days are soft as hell


His head is bowed, hair covering his face as he scrolls through the color lighting options. The lightbulb turns red and he looks up at you, winking as you laugh at him, "what do you think about red?" he asks, crawling onto the bed with you.

"I think you're not as devilish as you like to have people believe you are." you tease, allowing him to get on top of you, positioning himself between your legs as he puts some of his body weight onto your chest, lips nearly touching yours.

He smiles, pressing his lips to yours softly.

When your eyes flutter open again to look at your soft boyfriend, he's no longer illuminated by red, but purple. He looks so pretty with the slight purple lighting and he knows it.

He kisses you again and you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, keeping him close. He grinds himself against you and you moan into the kiss, loving the way his grey sweatpants feel against your panty-covered core.

He's so close, all you'd need to do is-

There's a loud banging on the door and a distinctly Haechan scream makes Jaehyun wince. The sound of footsteps receding and Mark's laughter tells you that the two guys only wanted to cause havoc on their way to the kitchen, but the moment is ruined.

Jaehyun rolls off of you, letting you curl into his side. He runs his fingers through your hair, just enjoying the ability to hold you, "you know I love you right?" he asks.

"Uh huh." you smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Jaehyun rolls his eyes at you, having expected an 'I love you' in return, "You're just a brat aren't you?" He says, a mischievous tint in his eyes.

Then he's tickling you and pinning you to the bed, your screams filling the room as your boyfriend holds you down.

"Jaehyun!" you kick at him but Jaehyun has mastered the ability to keep you still, and he looks so good, he has so much joy from making you laugh that it's almost a shame to try to fight him.

The door to his bedroom is thrown open, revealing Mark and Haechan. Haechan is the instigator, and Mark peeks at you from over his shoulder, "Hyung!" Haechan looks excited, but his smile falls when he sees that Jaehyun is just tickling you, "oh."

You and Jaehyun simply stare at the two younger men, and you take a moment of peace to regain your breath, Jaehyun still pinning you to the bed.

"So are you two going to leave?" Jaehyun asks after a moment.

Mark grabs Haechan and apologizes before closing the door.

Once Jaehyun looks down at you you sigh, "You're mean, kinda felt like those two wanted to join."

"oh yeah?" Jaehyun laughs, "You think either of those dick heads can make you feel good?" he presses himself against your core, reviling in the soft whimper that leaves your lips, "you think they could make you scream?"

"Maybe together-" you begin to tease but Jaehyun's hand wraps around your throat and you stop talking.

"Maybe I should let them in here." Jaehyun says, "Let them see how dirty you are, let them watch me punish you... would you like that?"

You bite at your lip, nodding, Jaehyun smiles, pressing a kiss to your mouth. He pulls away abruptly, "Too bad, you're mine, and I'm not sharing with those assholes."

tumblr: smileysuh

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