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The two of you were transfixed on the little bundle of happiness that you cradled tightly in your arms, proud smiles on both of your faces as you quickly found yourselves adjusting to your new life as parents together.

It had only been a couple of hours, and already the two of you were obsessed. Neither of you ever imagined that someone could steal your heart so quickly, but your daughter had well and truly done that, and it was only just the start.

Whilst you were firmly on bedrest as your recovery began, Yoonoh was nothing short of an angel around the suite, making sure that he took care of not only your baby but you as well, doing all the things that he knew you weren't able to do.

With your eyes glancing down at your daughter, your eyes glanced across as Yoonoh stood up from the end of your bed, walking across to the table in the corner of your room.

"Remember the midwife told you that you needed to stay hydrated," he spoke up, picking up a water bottle off the tray that a member of ward staff had brought around.

As you tried to reach out to take the bottle whilst also maintaining a hold of your daughter, Yoonoh's head shook. He took the lid off, placed it into the pocket of his jeans, grabbed a straw from the bag that he had bought from the shop on the bottom level of the hospital, and placed it in the bottle.

"Now you don't have to move," he smiled, holding the bottle out so that you could reach your lips around the straw, "I knew buying this would turn out to be practical."

"You are just full of good ideas," you teased.

His head nodded proudly, waiting patiently by your side until you let go of the straw, letting him know that you had drunk enough. Yoonoh tucked the top of the straw into the bottle, placing the lid back on before putting it back on the tray.

"I can't wait to look after my two favorite girls for the rest of my life," Yoonoh suddenly announced, turning on his heels so that he could reclaim his spot on the end of your bed, "is there anything else that you need before I sit down comfortably?"

"You've already done more than enough," you smiled appreciatively over at him, "you need to rest as well, you've had a pretty hectic few hours going through labor by my side too."

Instantly, his head shook back at you, "There's no way that you can compare what you've been through to what I've been through. It's going to take time for you to recover, but I promise that I'll help you out with everything that you need."

Throughout the entirety of your pregnancy, Yoonoh had taken the best care of you, determined to be the greatest husband and father that he could be. That kindness quickly translated through your labor too, supporting you through every single second, and now your baby was here, he was still right by your side, refusing to leave you to go through anything alone.

Your bright eyes glanced across at Yoonoh once again, reluctantly looking away from your daughter. "I'm not in as much pain as you think I am, the midwife said in a few days most of the pain would disappear."

"That gives me days to take care of you, at least," he challenged, switching up your words so that they worked in his favor, "once we leave this hospital you are not going to be allowed to move a muscle unless it's to be a mum."

Your head shook, although deep down you knew that there was no arguing with Yoonoh. "I always knew you were protective, but this is most definitely a new side of you recently, I'm not fragile glass that may shatter."

"The two of you are my family," he reminded you in a gentle tone, "which means you are fragile glass, and I must protect the two of you. Labor was tough, you can't treat it as if it was nothing, even if you don't want to worry me."

Your stubbornness was a quality of yours that Yoonoh picked up on quickly, realizing soon into your relationship that you never liked to ask for help. Even when you were pregnant, your independence was something that you tried to hold onto for as long as possible.

"Labour was worth it, look at the reward," you mused, nodding in the direction of your daughter.

"It most definitely was worth it, I hate to sound smug, but we've got some good genes Y/N."

Although your daughter was only a few hours old, it didn't take long for you to notice that she had Yoonoh's chin perfected. Meanwhile, he was quick to notice how similar your cheeks were, with the same tinted glow that yours often had as a result of the endless compliments that Yoonoh loved to pay to you whenever he was in your company.

"I have to agree with you there, it seems as if we make cute babies together."

Yoonoh stretched his arm out, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to offer you a bit more support as you sat upright. His other hand adjusted the cushion that pressed into the small of your back, making sure that it remained puffed up for you to rest on.

"I'm alright," you instructed as he began to get frantic around you once again, "you don't need to do anything."

A quiet apology was muttered from underneath his breath, stopping himself from adjusting the gown that you wore too. "I just feel like there's so many things that I should help you with, especially whilst you're holding her, you're not able to do anything else."

"If I need anything done, then I'll let you know," you assured him with a smile, "until then, just trust that I'm alright, your two girls are happy, without you worrying."

"Am I making it that obvious how nervous I am right now?" Yoonoh asked you, dropping his shoulders when you nodded in response. "I just want these moments to be perfect, you only have your first baby once, and it's up to me to make sure that everything is perfect."

You smiled weakly across at Yoonoh, encouraging him to take a few deep breaths as instead of nagging at you, he calmly brushed his hand over the top of your daughter's head.

He couldn't help but chuckle knowing that the little girl in your arms would have years ahead of her with a protective father. Even after all of the years that the two of you had been together, you never quite got used to how protective Yoonoh was of you.

"It's not just these first few moments too, it's the moments ahead for the rest of our lives as a family," Yoonoh whispered in a hushed voice, "I want to always be able to look after you, not just for whilst Y/D/N is young, or whilst you're recovering from labor over the next couple of weeks, I never want either of you to spend a second of your lives feeling as if you're not safe with me."

Your head nodded back across at him, "Becoming a dad has made you quite the soppy one, have I ever told you just how cute you are Yoonoh?"

"You have, that's why we're here with a baby now."

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