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you giggled when you felt Jaehyun's lips on your stomach. his head quickly turned to lock eyes with you. his messy hair falling wild in his face. a coy smile made small dimples on his cheeks. "what?" he asked, confused. you shook your head. "nothing..., it's giving me tickles". Jae-Hyun laughed slightly, before admiring your bare abdomen. "you have so many moles" he stated. you mumbled in agreement. his fascinating gaze tracing a path all over your body.

you felt ashamed without notice, as he looked with curiosity and concentration on your face. leaning over to press a chaste kiss on a spot that you were sure you had a mole on. his hair making you tickles in your cheeks. "should I kiss them all?" he asked, a hint of shyness dyeing his cheeks pink when he looked back at you. feeling your voice could betray you, you nodded effusively.

you bite your lips when his fingers draw patterns in your arms. feeling him as he started to leave kisses on your moles. "so pretty" you laughed at him. "it's like cookie dough" you said, incredulous that they actually could be pretty to someone. "like someone was painting and splashed paint at a wall" added. it was more like that. you always felt like your moles were kinda funny. not something someone could call pretty.

Jae-Hyun stopped for a few seconds before looking at you through the hair falling on his face. "I think they look like constellations" confessed. "look" ordered, making you get up, both sitting face to face. he glanced at you before rubbing your stomach with his index, all his attention focused on the task. your gaze finally traveling to the point where his finger gently drew a path. "mhm...?" he asked, seeking your approval, forcing you to agree because of the way he was looking at you.

he made you lay again on the mattress, his hands holding your hand while his warm breath in your stomach send electricity to all your body. spreading kisses all over. making you feel like flying.

you never liked your moles before. until Jaehyun came. whispers coming from his mouth telling you how of a masterpiece you were. you never liked them, but you found yourself wishing you'd never run out of them. so he could kiss them all.

a small gasp caught you by surprise. One of your hands went to his hair, where his head was. between your tighs. his calm breathing impacting the fabric of your underwear, one of his fingers tossing it down your legs. founding yourself lifting your hips so he could take it off.

you caressed his hair. "got bored?" asked with fun. you felt his little laugh on your intimacy causing you to bite your lip due to the pleasurable feeling spreading from your core. "mhm... since I'm talking about constellations..." you heard him say. "why don't I make you see stars?". 

tumblr: hyudior

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