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(CW: pregnant reader, "mom" used, she/her used)

There was no way the bed had ever been as comfortable as it was at this very moment. The pillows were fluffier, the blankets softer, and the mattress was practically cradling you. It felt so good to be off your feet, especially so close to your due date.

Each day felt like it was getting longer and longer. When you weren't peeing every five minutes, you were on the brink of falling asleep, like now. The second you settled onto the bed it was like sleep was just seconds away from coming, it was impossible to keep your eyes open. You were so tired you didn't even hear the Jaehyun come home or call for you.

He quietly entered the bedroom, catching sight of you lying out on the bed with your hands resting on top of your bump, which was a position that had become extremely common for you. Especially as the bump grew and grew. He smiled at the sight, inching onto the bed to not disturb you from your sleep.

He gently moved your hands and laid his head on your lap. He placed a hand on your bump, rubbing small, soothing circles with his thumb, "Hey, baby. Did you have a good day today?"

He waited for a few moments in silence like he was waiting for a response, "Well, that's good. I'm just glad to be home, I brought back dinner because your mom told me she was hungry. I hope you weren't too bad for her today," Jaehyun continued, cracking a smile when he felt a kick under his hand.

"I know you like to be a little stinker," He felt a particularly strong kick, "Calm down!"

The strong kicks kept coming, and you groaned, eyes opening with a hand coming to rest over the left side of your bump where the kicks were aimed. "Your kid is a pain in the butt, Jaehyun."

"Sorry, my love. I just like it when we have conversations."

You raised a brow at him, "You are aware that the baby can't respond, right, or even talk?"

"I think we have a genius cooking in there, the kicks might be Morse code. I've been falling behind on learning for a few weeks, but I'm pretty sure the baby tried to tell me to tell you to wake up. It worked!" He nuzzled his face into your bump with a huge grin on his face.

You felt a kick in Jaehyun's direction, and chuckled under your breath, "You're making the baby hyper, stop."

"I think the baby likes it when we cuddle like this. Don't you baby?" Jaehyun asked. His nose was directly pressed into your belly button as he rubbed it back and forth. He was acting like a clingy toddler, but it was funny.

Your laugh was cut short due to the baby's kick. One foot hit you right into your right lung and the other foot went right for Jaehyun's nose.

He pouted, eyes locked on your stomach, "Hey, that hurt."

You pushed his head away from you, "I told you to stop, now we're all mad."

"Not my fault you woke up," Jaehyun huffed under his breath.

"But it's your fault the baby woke me up, now help me get up so we can eat."

He rushed over to your side of the bed, grabbing your hands to help you up from the bed so you could both go eat the food that would no doubt need to be heated up.

You were hungry, happily eating all your favorites. Jaehyun was just the best husband ever, he had ordered your favorites without you even asking. You cleared your throat, trying to stop the tears from coming. That was another thing about being pregnant, you were more emotional.

Three throat clearings later and the tears were coming against your will, even though you tried to stop them and you knew it was so dumb to cry over food, it was out of your control. "Hey," you said, unable to control the voice crack. Jaehyun's head snapped up, face full of concern while he took in your tear-streaked face, "I just want to say how much we love you. You're the best husband ever and the best dad."

"Is the food that good?"

You sniffled, fighting back a hiccup as the tears just kept coming, "I didn't even have to ask you to get my favorites. You're the best husband and your kid is driving me crazy."

Jaehyun laughed at that, "I love you too."

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