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The house was drowning in the smell of liquor and dark fleeting lights, it was so great. The alcohol and cigarettes were dancing in everyone's head. All of them were too high to do anything except them. She was sipping diluted vodka and he sat next to her squeezing her thigh and sipping his beer. Everything between them, even the air was shouting 'sexual tension' but they were avoiding the elephant in the room because they can't just disappear from their friend's party. But oh boy.

How she wanted to drag Jaehyun to the bathroom and just kiss him like an animal and he wanted to just pin her to the wall in front of everyone. They knew the constraint wouldn't last long.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom." She said to him and got up, she bit her lip subtly and left. It was clear that he'd follow up in a few seconds.

A few minutes later when everyone was high and dancing, he sneaked upstairs, to the bathroom while looking around and making sure no one sees him do so but soon he was pulled inside a room by his shirt as she started to kiss him hungrily while he locked the bathroom door. Her hands were wrapped around his neck as they ranged higher towards his hair when he bit her lip, making her gasp and allow him to push his tongue into her mouth.

The bathroom was filled with the sound of their soft gasps as the two tried to take in some air while hungrily pushing each other's tongues around. His hand was around her neck he squeezed it while his other hand rubbed her ass. Jaehyun then pinned her to the wall and pulled away.

"Oh- God." She whispered between ragged breaths and smiled at him. "I want you." She whispered, fighting for air. Those words always got to him, he could feel himself get harder as he watched the view in front of him. Her lips were glossy with his spit and her breasts softly bounced with each breath she took.

He then started to kiss her neck and softly bit it, looking for the perfect spot, and the moment he found it, he abused it. Moans were spilling out of her mouth as she pressed her hands to her mouth to keep quiet.

She then grabbed the collars of his shirt and pulled him to her lips again, giving him a soft kiss and then slowly getting rid of his shirt and throwing it somewhere. He untied the back of her crop top and unzipped her skirt letting the both of them fall around her feet. Jaehyun caressed her breasts through the material of her breasts and took it off too, he continued to kiss her and rub her nipples as she then pulled away and slowly got down on her knees.

She looked up at him with doe eyes and started to undo his belt.

"Don't look at me like that" He said as a soft grunt came out of his mouth, she shrugged and dragged his pants and gray underwear, letting his proud cock out as she looked up once more and kissed the tip. He sucked in a soft breath as she then started to lick and suck the tip, slowly moving forward and taking more of it inside her mouth. But he was growing impatient as grunts left his mouth, he gripped her head and looked into her eyes.

"If it hurts let me know" he whispered and started to move his hips, thrusting inside her mouth. Low moans left her mouth, sending vibrations through him. He noticed how her underwear was sticking to her. "You're so wet, God," Jaehyun whispered while continuing his movement as she sucked it and rubbed her tongue to his tip, sending him over to the edge as she grabbed his thigh when he reached deep into her throat.

"Oh- fuck-" he then came in her mouth while breathing hard as she pulled away.

She looked up into his eyes as she then gulped it all down and then she cleaned his dick by licking all of the fluids on it. "You're such a slut." He said and picked her up, pushing her against the wall while his fingers were ghosting around her wetness. " I plan on being one, Only for you," She said as he pushed his finger inside her, while rubbing her clit with his thumb, she kissed him and moaned into his mouth, making sure he consumed them. He slowly thrusts his fingers in, adding more and increasing his pace.

The sounds of sloppy movement and gasps were surrounding them, as he slowly pulled out his fingers making her complain at the emptiness but he quickly turned her around and pushed her to the wall. He kissed her neck and back, as her perky breasts were pressed to the wall. He pushed her legs apart and slowly touched his tip to her aching warmth.

"I missed your pussy so much." Jaehyun grabbed her hands and pushes them above her head, and pushes his dick inside her. He lets her get accustomed to the size while rubbing and squeezing her breasts with his other hand.

"Start moving!"

She demanded and jiggled her ass a little with need, making him smile. "As you wish" he whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe. Now, she felt euphoric even though they've fucked too many times already but he never fails to make her feel this way.

His dick is deep inside her, rubbing and hitting her spot with every thrust and she's moaning with her face pressed to the wall while he bites her shoulder. Oh, that's leaving a mark. God how she loves Jaehyun and how he fucking loves her or loves fucking her.

tumblr: yunohentai

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