Moving In Series(6)

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Apartment Tour

Summary: As the last episode of your Moving In Series on your YouTube channel, comes the tour of the apartment along with visually announcing the things you have bought during the furniture shopping. But as a bonus to the last episode, you and your boyfriend, Jaehyun just dropped a huge ass surprise to your subscribers, viewers, and to NCTzens.

Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader

Words: 6.3k

Genre: established relationship au, idol! jaehyun, YouTuber!reader, fluff, smut

Warning/s: yet another chapter of tooth-rotting domestic fluff ('cause why not, right?), graphic explicit smut in the form of shower sex, and multiple orgasms.

Author's Note/s: This is 18+, minors, please do not interact.

 A Night with Neos And A Surprise?!

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"The most awaited tour is finally here!" You shouted, signaling the start of the new episode in your Apartment Series that you have initially created to document a new milestone with your boyfriend, Jaehyun.

"Truthfully, I'm a bit sad that this series is ending but it was a fun series to do," a smile creeping up on your face, "It has been roughly two or three weeks since we officially moved to this place that we now call home and we have recently finished decorating the apartment, so while it is still clean and neat." You laughed. "This was filmed before we had the housewarming party, so technically, you guys are the ones who saw it all first even if this video might be up after it," You informed. "Okay, let's start the tour now, shall we?"

You turned the camera facing forward to showcase the environment around you. "Oh, also, I will be linking everything applicable that I will be showing in the tour in the description box below." You said behind the camera.

"Okay, since I'm already here in the living room, let's start here," You said, scanning slowly through to give a good glimpse of the room. "You're probably confused as to where the TV is, well, we didn't buy one." You pointed out with a giggle. "Instead, we bought a projector. Since our walls are white throughout the apartment, we opted not to buy a projector screen." You continued while going over to the little shelf in front. "Here is where the projector is settled, it is where we decided to place the LP turntable beside the floor, is where we placed the LP shelf Jaehyun had before. 

We ordered a newer one recently that can hold more LPs because as you can see, we're currently running out of space for our growing collection." You giggled, zooming in on the little shelf on the floor. "I'm a speaker kind of person, so, this speaker set is my idea. We do have some pictures on frames displayed here as well. There are a variety of pictures here; we have some on our vacations, and some with our friends too! We have more pictures on display scattered around the apartment," You said, informing your viewers. "Moving on, this is our coffee table and sofa. As you can see, I do prefer to have a big sofa because the boys do come over very frequently. To those asking in the comment section on my recent videos; Yes, they do come over at my previous apartment but only whenever Jaehyun is coming over."

From the living room, you move toward the other side to show the kitchen. "Here we now have our kitchen," you informed your viewers while you scanned through the cozy setup you did in the kitchen. "I like to bake, so having an oven is something I wanted but I didn't have it written down on what we needed in finding the apartment, it just happens that this particular apartment that we signed has one. So, that made me happy because I didn't need to buy one," you laughed. "Almost all of the appliances in the kitchen are already built in, except for the coffee machine," you said while putting your hand on the coffee machine. 

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