Moving in series(2)

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The Q and A

Summary: You've finally decided to film and upload the long overdue Q&A that you announced you were going to do with Jaehyun.

Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader

Words: 3.9k

Genre: established au, idol! jaehyun x youtube! reader, fluff

Warning/s: I truly believe that 127's chaoticness needs its warning, other than that I also think that Jaehyun getting sad over a fight needs its warning.

Author's Note/s: this part is a little fast-forward to the future probs between apartment hunting and the actual move-in day.

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Both you and Jaehyun decided it would be better to film the Q&A at their dorms because your apartment's current state is not ideal and is a mess. Boxes were everywhere and most of your things were either already tucked away in boxes or still laying on the floor because you're still in the process of segregating the things you want to keep, to donate, and to sell. And being the sentimental person that you are, it was a long and hard process.

Sitting down on the floor at the boys' dorm, you set up the camera and adjust it to the correct angle and height. You pushed the shutter to start recording.

"You ready?" You asked your man who is now approaching in front of you.

"Mhm." He said while leaning down to give you a peck on your lips. "Have you eaten? Would you like to order some takeout first before we start?" he asked with worry evident in the tone of his voice.

You sat down and responded, "It's okay love. I'm still full. Let's order takeout after, hm?"

"Alright, but I think I want to have samgyeopsal," he said sitting down beside you.

"Oh?!" you exclaimed. "I have been craving samgyeopsal."

"It's settled then? We'll have samgyeopsal after we film." He started looking at you with heart eyes and you just sat there giving him the biggest and brightest smile.

"I thought you were on a diet, though?" you quizzed.

"I'll go on cheat day anytime for you, babe."

The little sweet moment was captured in the frame and you took a mental note that you'd like to include it in the video. You wanted to show a little of what happens behind the camera.

"Anyway, shall we start?"

"Lezgetit!" he exclaimed.

And just like that, you seamlessly transitioned to your YouTube persona. It's not like it was any different from the real you, but I guess Jaehyun could say on cam you're a polished version of you, and off cam is an unfiltered one. Meaning, you were always the kind of person that speaks out what's on your mind but on cam, you try to always say it as positively as possible while off cam, you could be so raw and blunt. But either way, he adored you. He adored how strong of a person you are, both mentally and physically.

"Welcome back, you guys!" you started. "As you've read from the title of this video, we are doing a little Q&A sesh with my boyfriend, Jaehyun." you continued.

Jaehyun waved to the camera and said, "Hi, I'm the boyfriend." and then chuckled at his introduction.

"That was lame, babe." you giggled.

"Well," he started. "I know my girlfriend, here," gesturing at you. "Put up an Instagram story so you could send in your questions." he continued.

"Yes, that is true." agreeing to Jaehyun. "And you guys had sent quite a lot."

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