
502 7 0

genre: fluff


As Y/N sat across from Jaehyun at the cozy cafe, she couldn't help but notice how his dimples seemed to charm everyone around him. The girls at the table beside them were swooning as he talked and flashed his signature smile.

Y/N's heart twinged with jealousy as she wished those adorable dimples were reserved just for her. She playfully pouted, mustering the courage to share her feelings. "Jaehyun, it's not fair. Your dimples are too captivating; you're making other girls fall for you!"

Jaehyun chuckled, amused by Y/N's adorable jealousy. He leaned in, gently tracing her cheek with his finger. "Oh, Y/N, you know you're the only one who truly has my heart. But I can't help it if my dimples decide to make appearances."

Y/N couldn't resist but smile, his touch melting her worries away. "I know, I know. It's just... I want your dimples to be my little secret, reserved only for me."

Jaehyun's eyes softened with affection. "They are, Y/N. No one else can make them appear as easily as you do."

Y/N blushed, feeling her heart flutter at his sweet words. "You always know how to make me feel better. I guess I can't stay mad when you call me cute for being jealous."

Jaehyun chuckled again, pulling her into a warm embrace. "You're cute all the time, especially when you're jealous. But remember, you're the only one who gets to see the true magic of my dimples."

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