
467 6 0

pairing: Jae-Hyun x reader

genre: fluff, idol au!

word count: 1,170

warnings: it gets a tiny little bit suggestive in the end


You wake up and the first thing you do is check your phone. Your palms are already sweaty and your heart beats faster as you anticipate what you're going to read online. Is everybody bashing you? Do they think you're using him? Could you be receiving death threats already? A million thoughts in your head disperse as an arm wraps around your waist and a face snuggles on your neck. You take a deep breath and open the web.

"So, what are they saying?" A husky voice comes from behind you.


"That bad?" He lifts his head to look at your phone.

"They..." You try to make up a sentence. "They love us!"

"Of course they do, we're adorable." Kisses are spread all across your neck and a big smile grows on your face.


SM confirms the relationship between NCT's Jaehyun and voice actress Y/N

Earlier this week Dispatch released pictures from an alleged date between the NCT singer and the actress. Netizens were quick to comment trying to understand if the two were in a relationship. This morning SM Entertainment, the home agency for both artists, confirmed the two had gotten close and ultimately engaged in a romantic relationship. The company supports both artists and hopes fans will be supportive too. No statements have been made by either Jaehyun or Y/N.

Comment (99+):

At first, I was sad Jaehyun had a girlfriend, but they look so cute together T_TAh~ they make such an adorable couple~Both of them are amazing artists, and I'm glad they found love in each other! Am I the only one who wants to see more of them? SM please let them work together~Jaehyun has been acting lately, should we wait to see them on screen? <3Please let's support this new power couple!!!(...)

You and Jaehyun met at a company event two years ago and since he had been interested in starting his acting career you two talked all night even exchanging phone numbers. In the following weeks, you got closer, not only talking about work but also getting to know each other, and eventually love started to blossom.

In the beginning, you tried to be as discreet as possible, not even the other NCT members knew. That worked out for the first few months but eventually, they all found out promising to keep it a secret as they're very supportive of the relationship.

As for the company, some people were suspicious but had no proof until Dispatch decided you two would be the new couple revealed in their famous New Year's tradition. Of course, you two were automatically called to discuss the matter and SM decided it would be better to go ahead and confirm the rumours.

Both you and Jaehyun were nervous about the public's reaction, although he kept saying no matter what the netizens say he will always love you and stay by your side and when you look into his eyes you know that's true.

And now reading the (mainly) positive comments you two couldn't be happier.

You then get a call from your manager to attend a meeting and Jaehyun gets the same from his manager. You too get ready but decide to go separately, still uneasy about the relationship being public now.

"Y/N, Jaehyun, please sit."

You two sit down looking around the room and feeling nervous about what's going to be discussed.

"We have been tracking the online reaction to the news of your relationship and you have most people on your side!"

You and Jaehyun exchange looks adorned with shy smiles.

"And reading some of them closely, a lot of people are eager to see you together on screen."

You two widen your eyes not expecting that opinion.

"Jaehyun, as you know we are preparing your solo debut and you will shoot the music video soon."

He hesitantly nods not understanding what that has to do with the current situation.

"Y/N, we know you have been focusing on voice acting but how would you feel about staring in Jaehyun's music video?"

You almost choke at the unexpected offer.

They give you two some time to talk about it and ultimately you decide to accept the offer as it will be just a few scenes.

On the day of the shooting, your knees are shaking as you enter the set. Jaehyun was already working and you are left in awe at how good he looks performing the choreography as water drips down on him making the thin clothes he's wearing stick to his incredible body... You shake the vision off your head and walk to hair and makeup.

You gasp as they show you the outfit you'll be wearing for the scene. It's a form-fitting dress and considering the guidelines they provided you suddenly feel shy that you'll be so close to Jaehyun dressed like that.

You walk out of the dressing room and notice your boyfriend checking some footage with the music video director. You notice he already changed clothes ready to shoot the next scene. Once he notices you his jaw drops. He excuses himself from the director and walks towards you.

"Y/N... You look incredible..." He takes your hand spinning you around to get a good look at all of you.

"Jaehyun, stop." You murmur already feeling your cheeks burning up.

"Ok, let's start!" The director announces and everybody goes to their place.

The scenes consist of you two dancing in the club in the middle of the crowd, then the rest of the people will disappear and you'll dance your way towards each other but once you're close you'll run away from the dance floor and Jaehyun will chase you into the hall, holding you as he sings into your ear.

Everything was going great until you were pressed against the fake set wall, his body way too close to yours, his hand gripping tightly on your waist, and his hot breath against your ear as he whispered his seductive lyrics. You feel shy again remembering everybody around watching you two.

"Cut! Let's do it again from the top!" The director shouts and then turns to you. "Y/N, you are a bit tense, could you make it more relaxed and natural please?"

You gulp and nod at the instructions. As you and Jaehyun walk back to the initial spot, he comes close and whispers in your ear.

"Why are you so shy baby? It's not like I've never pressed you against a wall before."

You widen your eyes and lightly hit his arm.

"Jaehyun, don't say those things here." You murmur looking around to see if anyone might have heard him.

"Ok, I'll stop... For now. Later tonight, when I press you against your apartment's wall, I want the whole building to know my name."

He winks with a grin as you are left all hot and bothered anticipating what'll happen later. How the hell are you supposed to nail this scene now?

tumblr: jaesqueso

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