His type

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(CW: jaehyun drinks a beer)

Anyone looking at Jaehyun right now could tell he was angry. Heck, anyone with eyes would be able to simply glance at him and tell that they should steer clear of him. His jaw was clenched, his dentist probably wouldn't be happy about the strain he was putting on his jaw, and his eyes were locked on you. You and the man who had been talking and laughing a little too much. Too much smiling, and laughing, keeping you from Jaehyun for too long. You were only supposed to go to the bathroom and then get a drink but now you'd been gone for over 10 minutes, most of that time spent with the bartender.

Jaehyun would argue he wasn't a jealous person. He didn't mind that you went out, other guys talked to you, that you had guy friends, because you always came back to him. You always reassured him, easing his hidden insecurities, that he was the only guy for you. But it was different now watching you laugh and look like you had no intention of leaving the bar anytime soon. You peeked a look back at Jaehyun, quickly turning and laughing along with the bartender.

The waiter came back by the table asking if everything was still fine. Jaehyun replied coldly, eyes still locked on you that everything was fine. He tried to pull his eyes away from you, stabbing the food entirely too dramatically to distract himself from the view of you flirting a few feet away from him.

You finally said bye to the bartender, Jaehyun could tell because you wiggled your fingers flirtily before being called back by the bartender to collect a napkin that he had quickly scribbled on. His number no doubt. Jaehyun scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Here's your beer," you smiled, placing the bottle in front of Jaehyun as you plopped into your seat.

"I didn't realize the bar was so busy," Jaehyun replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, it wasn't. The bartender was so funny and we got sidetracked," you smile as you cut into your food. Jaehyun sends you a look asking you to elaborate, so you do. "Well, he was telling me that he liked my shirt and that his roommate would like the shirt since their birthday is coming up so I told him about some stores that have some similar clothes. Then he started telling me some funny stories-"

"Yeah, he looked hilarious."

"He was! He seemed cool," you hum before taking a bite of your food.

Jaehyun felt the annoyance and anger ease a little bit, You had come back to him but you were gushing over another guy to your boyfriend. How did that make any sense to you? Were you withholding information on purpose? Did you like the bartender so much that you had to hide it from Jaehyun? What did the bartender have that Jaehyun didn't?

"So what, you like him now? He gave you his number didn't he?" Jaehyun decides to bite the bullet and ask.

You reply calmly, "Well he very clearly told me he thinks that he and I could be good friends so the number was for friendship only because," you try to fight back a smile, "he wanted to know if my friend at the table was single."

Jaehyun choked on his sip of beer, hitting his chest as he coughed to clear his airway. He still manages to choke out a "What?"

"He spent most of the time gushing over my friend and his silky-looking hair and his cute dimples and his hot outfit. He asked me to pass along his number in case you might be interested," you explained.

Jaehyun was bright red now, embarrassed from having made the assumption of you flirting with another guy, red from his lack of air, red from the indirect flirting.

"So?" You question, lightly kicking his foot.

"Why would I take another person's number? I'm your boyfriend!" Jaehyun whispers and yells.

You shrug, "I don't know, he seems cool and he gets off soon if you want to go and chat with him."

"Stop trying to set me up with other people while we're on a date! We've been together for three years!"

"Well, you seem to think I go out to restaurants and try to pick people up on dates anyway, not sure if you'd be interested in that. Like maybe you were projecting," you continue too casually.

Jaehyun rolls his eyes, "You were looking back at me and laughing, then he scribbled something on a napkin and gave it to you. What was I supposed to think?"

"That I was making friends. I'm a cool person, people want to be friends with me, I make friends everywhere I go," you reply.

"Of course, I believe that you're a very cool person. I just get in my head sometimes," Jaehyun replies quietly.

"Oh my love, I know, you get too lost in that big head too often," you coo, reaching for his hand across the table.

"Uncalled for." Jaehyun deadpans.

"So are you going to call him? I think you're like the way his type," you ask teasingly.

"I'm not paying for dinner anymore and you're sleeping on the couch," Jaehyun tells you.

You laugh, shaking your head and narrowing your eyes at Jaehyun, "You couldn't last an hour in bed without me." And Jaehyun would hate to admit that you're right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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