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Jaehyun sitting dumb pretty with u outside in a little ice cream shop in milan or something, glasses on and hair slicked back, him staring at the people passing by and giving u a dimpled smile when he catches you staring. jay would shake his head, amused at how obvious you're staring. he wouldn't even have to say anything, glasses moving down the bridge of his nose, his eyes now in your vision with a smirk on his pretty face, seemingly asking you "what?" caught up with the way his tongue roll out to lick his lips, it takes you a second to respond. "want you in me really bad," you quietly whine out, embarrassed with the way his he stares at you and licks his lips has you itching out to touch him and let him ravage you in front of all these people. jaehyun is amused, though not surprised. he could tell how needy you were with the way you clench your thighs together and give him your "please fuck me" eyes. without muttering a word, jaehyun inches closer, grasping your jaw with one of his hands. his lips brush past yours and onto the shell of your ear. his other hand seems to find itself on your thigh, slivering closer to your aching cunt. "beg for it." 


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