Moving In Series(5)

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Furniture Shopping

Summary: The move-in date has been determined so you decided to take your boyfriend with you on a day packed with furniture shopping and a casual date to end it.

Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader

Words: 6.3k

Genre: established relationship au, idol! jaehyun, YouTuber!reader, fluff, smut

Warning/s: yet another chapter of tooth-rotting domestic fluff ('cause why not, right?), graphic explicit smut in the form of brief fingering, shower sex, squirting, multiple orgasms, slight cockwarming.

Author's Note/s: This is 18+, minors, please do not interact

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With the move-in date closing in, you've decided to drag your boyfriend down to the very overrated Ikea to check out some furniture that could catch your eye or something similar to the pins you've saved from your Pinterest account.

"Hi, guys! I'm back with another vlog for my Apartment Series. And today, I'll show you guys how I drag Jaehyun out of bed and go to Ikea with me, because..." pausing for a moment as you take a peek through the crack of your bedroom door if your boyfriend is still asleep then going back to the living room area. "Obviously, to look at furniture but I've also been craving their salmon," you confessed. "If nothing goes well in Ikea, we might go to another place that sells furniture. But I couldn't remember what it is called," pausing for another moment to check through your messages on your phone, 

"It's a place recommended to us, uhm... It's called Ahyeon Furniture Street. I'll make sure to link it down in the description box below."

 you informed your viewers just in case they also want to get some new furniture for whatever reason it may be. "Okay, let's wake up our sleeping giant," while you stood up from where you were sitting and slowly walked towards your room. Once inside, you place the camera on your desk checking once if it's at the right position and angle. You then made your way over to your bed where Jaehyun was sleeping soundly, getting ready to jump on him. You tip-toed closer and closer to the edge of your bed and when you're about to jump on him, he suddenly sat up and said,

 "Boo!" making you squeal and fall on your bedroom floor. You held your hand over your chest where your heart resides and said, "Shit, Jae!" your boyfriend, laughing his ass off on the bed. "Babe! It's not funny," you pouted, tears threatening to fall. He instantly noticed and hurriedly went to embrace you and said, "Sorry, baby," while he gently patted your back.

When you've calmed down, Jaehyun looked around to find where you placed your camera, and once he found it, he looked into the lens and said, "Prank, failed!" with a chuckle.

"You're mean," pouting your way through his heart.

"Babe, you were literally going to startle me while I slept," he reasoned.

"I was only going to wake you up, not scare you," you pointed out. "There was a huge difference, Yoonoh," you added.

And that was all it took for Jaehyun; calling him by his legal name, to realize that he had gone quite overboard. He immediately attached himself to you chanting that he was sorry.

You sighed with relief and hugged him back. "It's okay, love,"

"Can you ever forgive me?" he asked while sporting puppy dog eyes for maximum effect.

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